Sunday, January 01, 2006

Too Lazy To Think

Too lazy and too much work to do today to post my own blog so I thought it would be nice to hear from a guest lecturer. Today I am honoured to present the rants and raves of Dr. Dandy Cube

Survival of the fittest and evolution is a lie...or better still, a big joke. Penguins, the walking straight-jackets of the animal world, marching 70 miles away from food, just so that they can stand still balancing an egg on their feet for 4 months, during the coldest winter on Earth....where is evolution? On the 70 mile walk back they can't even protect their young...they have no fangs, no claws, no scary roar....just a cute little waddle. Is this what we mean by evolving to meet our environment? Did you believe the pet-store owner who said to keep your turtle in a small glass bowl so that it won't grow???!!!...I still can't pry mine out! And did you believe your grade 5 teacher who said that African's have dark skins in order to adapt to the sun? Well, why don't South Americans have dark skin?? And, excuse me, but don't dark objects absorb heat and light ones reflect it? If we adapt to our environment, why aren't Canadians black and Africans white? And Eskimoes (Inuvit, Skaeling...) should have hairy backs, not Italians! And why are male spiders so small...we know that the female is a bitch...we know what she is going to do.....but his legs are too short to run fast...just as he pulls out the pack of smokes, she lops off his head. Is this evolving? And why do plagues and wars hit the young and healthy first...where is survival of the fittest? And where is the T-rex??? Don't tell me that the penguin is the fitter of the two.....let's not even talk about the speed with which the snail can escape his predators. Nothing is evolving to adapt to its surroundings...we are in contrast to our environment.....we are nothing more than the sweet with the sour, the salt with the pepper, the up with the down, the male with the female....there is no order, there is no sense, there is no's all a joke....George Burns was right......God is a comedian, playing to an audience afraid to laugh.

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