Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Good Day Today

Today was a day filled with rewards for HouseboatBob. OK - maybe not filled but at least it wasn't a total waste of my time getting up this morning. It all started yesterday when I bet one of the students that the Texas Longhorns would beat USC in the Rose Bowl. Although I had to pull out the LightSaber and utilize the Force with 6 minutes to go in the game, my efforts were rewarded with a Longhorn victory in the dying seconds. Today at lunch, in front of the entire school, the bet was paid off. The losing student had to kiss the toe of my shoe. Ahhhh - Sweeeet! It's great to uphold the legend of never entering into a bet with me. The last student who entered into a bet with me had to lick the windows of my car. The stuff of legends my friend, the stuff of legends.

Second reward of the day. When I got home and looked at the hits to my site they had gone up considerably from the previous day. On a whim I decided to Google 'HouseboatBob' and much to my surprise my blog site showed up - top hit - very cool. I am HOT!

Lastly, I have just finished paying off my bills for this month and realized that I have $48 more in my account than I thought. HouseboatBob is going to party hard this weekend. Hell I may even have the extra large popcorn at the movies. What a great life I have!

Oh yeah - one more item. Someone reminded me that I should have added one more item to my TDBID list. I gotta go to a taping of Jerry Springer this summer.

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