Saturday, January 21, 2006

Blue vs Pink

As of last night there was no snow on the ground. That all changed in 12 hours and now as I sit here Saturday afternoon there is about 15 cm (more than 5 inches) of snow on the top of my truck. Despite the conditions, I ventured out to the grocery store for lunch as my cupboards were bare (which they usually are).

On the way back, I saw a woman out in her driveway with her snowblower and this got me to thinking (this is usually the start of my problems - thinking that is). When did women start doing ‘blue’ jobs? Taking out the garbage, fixing cars, shovelling snow - these are traditional ‘blue’ jobs. In the 50’s the lines were clear between what was a ‘blue’ job and a ‘pink’ job. When did this change - and - why?

Here is my take on it. My premise - as it is for most things - is that men are driven by the sole need to have sex. Back in the 1940’s, lets say sometime after W.W.II, until about the 1990’s, men decided that the only way they could overcome the “I’m too tired tonight” syndrome was to make the ‘pink’ jobs easier for women. Great technological advances were made by male scientists & engineers during this time period. We saw vast improvements in the ease of doing laundry (gone was the washboard and outdoor clothesline), cooking (self cleaning ovens, microwaves, pre-prepared meals, etc.), cleaning (more powerful vacuums, new and improved cleaning products, wrinkle free fabrics), and many more. All this in the quest of having more sex by overcoming the “I’m too tired tonight” syndrome.

The problem that we didn’t see (males tend not to forward think too well) was that the wives now had to go to work to pay for some of these wonders of technology. We had screwed ourselves once more. Not only did they still have the “I’m T T T” syndrome, they also had the freedom and financial independence to demand the direction of the next generation of technological advances. And what did they choose? To make the ‘blue’ jobs simpler of course.

At the time, we bought into this philosophy and rushed headlong into the task without thought as to - why (as I said previously we aren’t great forward thinkers). We could envision that if we were to please the female sex with new and improved products, then they would be so happy with us they would give us more sex and, as a side benefit, we wouldn’t be so tired ourselves. Soon we had over-engineered the automobile to the point where we understood how to fix it no better than our wives. We gleefully invented the plastic garbage bag so that there was no Herculean effort nor nasty odour to deal with on garbage day. We leapt at the opportunity to put an electric starter on small engines and then took it one step further with the power driven lawnmower and power driven snowblower. This is where my story started.

Gentlemen - we screwed ourselves. We have fallen to into their trap and have succeeded only in replacing out traditional ‘blue’ jobs with generic ‘no colour specified’ jobs. This means that women have no use for us - except of course for the obvious and even that is beginning to change. We aren’t even needed to open the pickle jar (double entendre intended) anymore. We are useless and, as far as I can see, have failed in our prime directive to get more sex. To what have we reverted to you ask? From my years of observing the male species, I am prepared to state that we are currently in the process of reverting from our traditional ‘me big & strong hunter and provider’ genetically determined role in society to that of the ‘new age sensitive guy / friend’. If this continues then God herself will not be able to help us!


Anonymous said...

Bravo HouseboatBob 'tis truly your best work yet.


Sunny Delight said...

this is sooo funny! LMAO and did you say something about more sex? mmmmm

Houseboat Bob said...

Well ..... I believe I said it was our prime directive in life - and one must always strive to obey the prime directive.