Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A Whole Day Off ! ! !

Great News! This morning at 6:55 am, I received a phone call informing me that the school was closed. Usually I get the phone call after I've had a shower and can't get back to sleep but this morning I had just crawled (it's an old age thing) out of bed and was still dozy enough to make my way back to my nest of pillows, sheets, and comforter. Ah - Bliss. I slept until 10 and then had to get up to answer the call of nature (another old age thing). Then for some dumb reason I started to work - and work - and work. As I sit here at 6:30 pm I still have two more tests to prep for tomorrow. What the heck! I didn't even enjoy the stupid day off. A whole day wasted and nothing interesting to show for it. Yeah the bills are paid, tests marked, reports done, apartment clean, and garbage out but that is hardly what I wanted to do when I first got the call this morning. A lesson learned - treat a free day with respect and don't worry about all the things you have to get done. Instead, plan on how to create a day full of maximum fun. Never again, quoth HouseboatBobby, Never again.

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