Sunday, February 24, 2008

Victorious! (in the colour of key lime)

This year, thanks to one of our parents, the school community has been participating in a 'Quiz Night'. The first Quiz Night was held last November and the team that I was on, the Key Limes, was victorious. In fact the Key Limes kicked ass! Our team is comprised of two sets of parents, two teachers (one being myself), and a student (a son of one of the parents on our team).

{author's note: I firmly (pun intended) believe that a blog is not a worthy blog unless it contains at least one picture of a sexy female - the following pictures may seem inappropriate until one realizes that the bikinis are all 'key lime' in colour.}

At one point during last November's game, through our own stupidity and much to my chagrin, we had failed to put our team name on one of the submissions and were docked 50% of our score. Even with that severe penalty we won the night by some 20 points. And we didn't play nor win gracefully - nope - we were the most obnoxious team from the start. In fact our team name was a last second decision because we had been arguing within our group for about 15 minutes over the team name. The arguing amongst our group didn't end there and we were clearly the loudest most obnoxious team that night. Suffice it to say, when our victory was announced most of the parents and students we beat were a wee bit annoyed that we had won. Seconds after our first victory the calls for a rematch were made.

That sets the stage for this past Friday's rematch. In an attempt to defeat us, many of the teams had re-shuffled their participants to better stack their team with a higher knowledge base. Children of parents were dropped from the team in favour of knowledgeable friends and ringers brought in from outside of the school community. Idle chit chat which was present during the first Quiz Night was curiously absent on this ocaission. Cell phones were turned off. Drinking was at a minimum at the other tables (not our own of course since we believed that drinking was what brought us our first win). People were serious about taking us down.

After the first round the Key Limes were in 4th place. The second round saw us move into 3rd place where we stayed for the third and fourth rounds. But then there was the final tally of the bonus rounds and the weight of money donated (a point per kilo of coins is added to the total score and our team had each brought $5 of pennies).

The final score - 183.83 for the Key Limes - our nearest competitor was 183.36 and the third place team (who had come second during the last event and had called loudest for a rematch) had a score of 181.47. We had pulled it out in the final stages! Yes - there were claims we had bought the victory for a what would amount to an extra $2 in pennies but a win is a win is a win.

And were we gracious in this win? Not on your life - we maintained our obnoxious ways. We challenging the intelligence of teams who were too cheap to throw in an extra few coins at the beginning of the match. We verbally assaulted those teams who had brought in ringers from the outside in favour of their own children. We scoffed at the calls for a rematch in May.

Victory - especially an obnoxious one - is so very sweet!

Friday, February 08, 2008

What's That Sound?

Today I was finally off to get my ultrasound done. For various reasons, one being my extreme discomfort of just the thought of having to undergo a scrotal ultrasound, the procedure had been delayed from January. Refer to my earlier blog WARNING - if you dare.

OK - the good news was that it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. In fact it was quite the pleasureable experience. Initially I was a bit hesitant about dropping my pants and hopping up on a table to expose my privates to a nice looking woman. In fact as I lay there quietly looking at the ceiling while counting the cracks in the tiles, I began wondering if this was what it was like for a woman who was having really poor sex with someone they didn't like. Looking at the ceiling trying to ignore what was going on only a few feet away.

Anyway - after splooching on some warm gooey stuff, the technician began her survey of my parts. I found the chirping of the machine and the sound of my heartbeat (for some reason she had the sound on) to be quite relaxing. Truth be told I actually dozed off for a period - that is until she hit a tender spot and I came awake like I had been hit by lightning.

All in all - I think I would do it again. After all, where else can you get the government to foot the bill for an activity that would cost more than $100 in a seedy office at the back of a run down strip-mall - not that I would know first hand!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Snow Days ! ! !

You gotta love this Global Warming thing. The much desired and sought after double snow day was achieved today. Two days in a row and I am bored - it is hard for me to admit this but I am actually looking forward to getting back to school tomorrow.

On the bright side - I was able to spend a few hours playing Warcraft and managed to get my character to Outland. A very strange place.