Friday, August 31, 2007

80 Days of Summer for Bob - Day #77

Today (Friday), I decided to take the day off and not go into the school. I slept until noon, putzed around for most of the afternoon and finally made my way to Wild Wings for our weekly cartel meeting. D is away on an Alaskan cruise so it was just the three of us.

Afterwards we went to see Death Sentence. It was by the author of Death Wish and pretty much was along the same lines as the old Charles Bronson movie.

We then had a protracted discussion in the parking lot about "Kids Today". To fully appreciate the sentiment of some of my cartel members, you have to say "Kids Today" as if you were an old Jewish guy trying to un-stick the words from the back of your phlegm filled throat. I could go on and on about the discussion we had, but I shall not. Basically I hate those two words "Kids Today". I heard that expression so many times when I was young that I now associate that expression with the old farts of my youth - old farts whose life had passed them by and whose bitterness prevented them from ever seeing the good in the youth around them. It makes me sad to hear that from my own friends - partly I assume because it reminds me that they, and by extension me, are getting older.

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