Thursday, August 30, 2007

80 Days of Summer for Bob - Day #76

The 80 days of Bob are closing fast. Too fast!

Yet again I was back at the school - to finish the job I had started yesterday, Today though, the ending was different. I decided to change my objectives. Since I had two computers working and with the promise from one of the parents for a donation of more, I decided to throw the rest of the junk out once and for all. In total, 12 computers and monitors hit the roadside curb for collection. It was tough work slogging 50 pound monitors out to the curb but it was extremely gratifying. Good ridance to Bill Gates!

Building upon this feeling of elation, I went and collected my two graduates H and M and we went out for dinner and a movie. The dinner was great but we made the mistake of allowing M to choose the movie and wound up watching The Nanny Diaries. Bad decision!

Both of these girls, as well as the rest of the graduates I'm sure, will be moving into residence this coming long weekend. It is still hard for me to let them go - I see them as my own children and I worry about them and try to imagine the school without them. I can't. I wouldn't be so bold as to say that I am more affected by their leaving than their parents - but it is close.

A funny story - H's mom was at the store recently buying food and when she picked up a container of cottage cheese she started crying - right there in the store. She had made the observation that her daughter would be moved out before the expiry date on the cottage cheese. As I said, I can't compete with the feelings of parents but I get a little misty eyed when I think of that first day of school with none of the graduates to help get me through those long speaches of Mr. E.

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