Saturday, August 25, 2007

80 Days of Summer for Bob - Day #71

Friday - August 24th. An historic day!

Finally, after months of thwarted attempts, I was able to arrange the disposal of my houseboat. Again up at 7am, I was soon off to remove the last of my stuff from the boat before it was taken away to its final resting place - the big lake in the sky.

It was a morning of reflections - I have had a lot of great times over the past 23 years on that boat and it surely will be missed. I include pictures of this historic occasion as well as one final trip down the river into the lake.

Following the loading of the boat, I was loading up my car with the last of the boat items I had removed and because I was tired, exhausted, hungry, and perhaps a wee bit sad, I was not concentrating on what I was doing and managed to severely twist my ankle. Down I went and within a few minutes my ankle was the size of an orange.

But - being the trooper I am, off I went to the weekly Cartel meeting followed by the movie Superbad. Although it was a good film I don't quite understand why it is rated so highly.

Following the movie I went home, drank scotch until my foot was numb and fell asleep with dreams of the past 23 years on the boat.

Memories of the river.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
