Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Kit List

This post is mainly for H and J, who are learning what to and what not to, take on a canoe trip. Here is my kit list.

First, we have the medicinal supplies including bug spray, water purification chemicals, assorted pain relievers - including a 2 liter canteen filled with liquid pain reliever. The nicorettes and cigars are optional but don't forget the sun screen!

Next comes the cooking supplies. Here we see a single pot for dinner and coffee as well as a frying pan with utensils. Note the pliers for that tough piece of fish that I just may catch. Also, fire starter stuff, a sharp knife , a mini-tooth brush - I canoe alone so it really doesn't matter about the toothbrush. Just don't forget the coffee mug!

For breakfast we have tortillas spread with Peanut butter and / or jam as well as coffee and bacon - mmmm. Obviously all of this stuff has to be removed from the original packaging - glass is not allowed in the park! Oh - the crystal light is to mix with the liquid medicine later in the evening.

Dinner and lunch - pretty self explanatory here. The only thing missing is a big hunk of pepperoni - forgot to get it today.

Now for the gear - the clothes are in the drypack in the background - a few unders and socks and an extra shirt. Knee pads for canoeing and water shoes are optional. Not so with the axe, and rope. You can't have too much rope! The gloves are needed to keep the bugs from biting your hands while portaging and two canteens are needed for water on those long hot portages. Of course the micro-stove is essential for that first cup of coffee in the morning.

Next - the fun stuff. Note the first aid kit of a few bandages in case you hook your finger while fishing. Anything more serious than a pricked finger and you are screwed anyway when you are canoeing solo so why bother to take the extra weight. Don't forget the map and flashlight. The GPS is optional but a fun toy.

Finally - it all gets crammed into a single pack. 46 pounds of crap strapped on your back. The sleeping bag is at the bottom of the pack. The tent needs to be carried by hand along with the paddles. You can wear the life vest when you strap the 48 pound canoe to your head. All in all - FUN!!!

Ooops - I almost forgot one of the most important items. A roll or two - baby wipes work better but too heavy!


Anonymous said...

Once again, I reiterate that I'm going to die on this trip. Secondly - do you have pack I could borrow?

Houseboat Bob said...

I do in fact - my old green pack - it served me well in the old days and it craves the opportunity to get back to nature. And yes - you will die - but it will be worth it.

Anonymous said...

What the heck are you guys thinking ???
My thoughts and prayers are with you...'cause the rest of me is stayin' home :) :)


Houseboat Bob said...

LED - you be confused - H is talking about a school canoe trip coming up in August with Mr. B. & I and J. H just likes to panic early.

Anonymous said...

Let the fun begin...can't wait for this years canoe trip. H & J are doin the planning, HBB and I are goin to supervise.

Mr. B.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. B. --- If I know anything at all it's when you and HBB get together there is always going to be trouble a brewin' :) :) :)


Memphis said...

Hey, I recognize that bear!

Big Ben said...

I think I better bookmark this post for future reference. Nah, I'll stick to hotels.