Sunday, June 24, 2007

80 Days of Summer for Bob - Day #1

Day #1 begins on Friday June 15th - Prom Day

Up early to finish writing the script for the senior graduating class. Also buying last minute gag gifts. Into a tux and off to Ashley D.G's for the pre-prom party.

After a few toasts and pics off to the prom - same old, same old but a lot different because there were so many kids whom I shall miss. No tears though and finally home at 1 in the morning.

Was sad when I got home and had to tell the grads why I was feeling weird all night so I sent an email (below). Then to bed.

I must say that I have mixed emotions about tonight. This is the second time in my life at the school that this has happened in this way. The whole night went by like a dream - it felt like I wasn't really there. I think maybe I didn't want to be there. I don't know if this will make sense to any or all of you but it goes like this.

I couldn't be sad tonight because it was wonderful to see an entire class graduate with such wonderful hopes of a great future. I really do believe that you all will have great lives. I couldn't be sad because this was a celebration for all of you. But on the other hand I couldn't be happy since you were all leaving me behind. I feel so connected to you all that it felt like you were off to bigger and better things and I was the stupid kid left behind.

As I said this has happened once before - the graduating class with Megan Lord and 5 others to whom I was closely connected with. I had a tough time with it at the time ( I remember a meeting in which I was crying and Mrs. Klein was looking at me as if I was a total idiot) and Mr. Eta - in his not so brilliant wisdom - equated my job to that of a bus driver. He said my job was to drive the kids from the bottom of the hill to a stop part way up the hill, wish them well and then go back down to the bottom to get more kids. I hated that analogy for many years - until I recognized the truth in it - Damn that Eta - he was right - I can't get off of the bus at the stop on the hill and travel with you as you continue further up. I can't be with you as you travel along the next stage in your journey - but at the same time I can't let you go - you are all too important to me.

So - I settle for the occasional email from somewhere up the hill and I have to be satisfied with that. I hate it - but it is the way it has to be. So here I sit at 3 in the morning - Missing you all - tears in my eyes so bad I can barely see to type - and wishing I had failed all you buggers - just so I could spend another year with you on my bus.

I love you all and wish only the best for you - keep in touch with the old bus driver every now and then.


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