Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

What better way to spend New Year's Eve in Canada than in the company of a Hot Babe in a Hot Tub drinking Cold Champagne. It was a perfect night as there was a near full moon yet also a cool, intermittent drizzle to keep the champagne cold.
However, as is often the case with inexperienced drinkers, the new year saw my friend (who has asked to remain nameless even though she does have a name) spending the wee hours of the evening ignoring me, instead preferring to talk on the phone - the big white phone. I am, however, forbidden by friendship and common decency (it's a new years resolution of mine to practice common decency once a week - no more - no less) to post the picture of the phone conversation.

For myself, 2007 started off perfectly and I am looking forward to a great year. I wish all my friends (those who do have names as well as those who don't) the same for this coming year.

1 comment:

Sunny Delight said...

Sounds like a fine start to the new year, for you anyway! I feel sorry for the nameless one's poor head!

Happy New Year, bruised knuckles and all! :)