Friday, April 14, 2006

The Quest Is Over ! ! !

Well ladies and gentlemen - it is a day of mixed emotions. I am both saddened and glad to announce that the quest has finally reached its conclusion. The tie drawer is empty (except for two really ugly ties). Since beginning the quest on January 3rd, I have managed to wear a different tie each day to school. That is a total of 55 ties over the course of a term and a half. I believe this is a new Canadian record!

Now my question is - what the heck do I now do with my Tie Files blog page? Shall it become my quest page? Who knows. Stay tuned to see what happens to the Tie Files.


Sunny Delight said...

Comngratulations on finishing your tie quest...and I really think you should pick the ugliest and re-wear them...yep yep I do :P

Anonymous said...

I think you should wear those two REALLY ugly ties to school on Tuesday and Wednesday -- it would make my day(s), considering we have a math test the first day back!