Last week I got the urge to take a trip to Moosonee. I wanted to see if the house we once lived in was still standing. A trip into my past so to speak. I was excited! A true quest!
Sunday was uneventful. We left around noon and drove straight to Cochrane. It only took about 7 hours - much faster than I remembered. The new road bypasses all those little towns that you once had to drive through. Towns like Cobalt, Swastika, and my favourite, Porquis Junction. We arrived in Cochrane at about 7pm.
It is hard to describe Cochrane. When we first arrived my first thought was - what a shithole! But after spending two days in Moosonee and getting back to Cochrane my impression was of a booming, prosperous town - but I am getting ahead of myself. For now - let's go with shithole.
After getting our train tickets for the next morning we tried for dinner. Several people whom we asked, including the guy checking us in to our motel, recommended Mike's Steakhouse. When I asked the guy if there was a dress code he gave me a look as if I had just arrived from outer space. This should have been my first clue. To describe Mike's as a steakhouse is akin to describing a Lada as a luxury Russian car (for those of you who remember the Lada). First comes the drink order - beer obviously - and the waitress asks if you want a glass with that (it's a northern thing I guess). Next - when my friend ordered the Silver steak special, the waitress shook her head and replied - no you don't want that - it's really tough. I think she took pity on us being as we were obviously from out of town. I say obvious because neither my friend nor I were wearing a 'T-shirt' as dinner apparel.
My second clue came when we checked in. We asked the owner what sites we should see while in Moosonee for two days. He took a step back, cocked his head to one side and looked at me as if I had just peed on his foot. "Two days"' he questioned while looking through his reservation book. "Well Holy God, you're right", he said while shaking his head from side to side.
At this point in the narrative I must move away from a detailed step by step account of our experiences. It would bore you to death. Suffice it to say that it was probably the worst two days in my life and yet the best two days (only because I have a sense of humour). In the end you wander about the town looking for something to occupy your time and justify the expense. Most of the museums are closed down. There are only two restaurants in the entire town - one of those being at our motel. One grocery store and the liquor store. That's it! The good times come when you meet other tourist wandering around with the same expression as we were no doubt carrying - that being - What a SHITHOLE!
We met a lot of people during the two days. Nice people. We would sit for hours (because there was nothing to do) and talk about what a shithole Moosonee was and whether or not they should just let the whole town die by ripping up the rail line. The discussion also included talk about the role of the native people in this situation. For the most part they are happy with collecting there unemployment benefits from the government. You certainly don't get the impression that they welcome tourists. They certainly don't accommodate tourists. As an example - you must check out of your hotel by 10 or 11 am despite the fact that the train doesn't leave until 6 pm that day. The result being that there are many people wandering the streets looking for something to do to kill 7 hours before they can escape the shithole.
In the end we did escape. The only way the train ride could be worse is on the return trip. You leave at 6 pm and get back to Cochrane at 1 am. You don't even have the millions of trees to look at for most of the trip.
I leave you with some stories.
In the restaurant my friend asked the waitress what beer she had on tap. After a few seconds the waitress finally admitted that she didn't know what 'on tap' meant. You can only get bottled beer in Moosonee.
Another time, at the other restaurant, the husband of a couple we had just met also asked what beer was on tap. The waitress replied with the names of the three brands of beer they carried. He chose one and asked for a pint glass. She returned with a bottle. He should have known better.
One evening my friend ordered a pork chops with a baked potato for her meal. After placing our order, several other couples came in (we knew them all by this point) and ordered their meals. We waited and waited and waited. Approximately an hour later the waitress comes by with our meals and apologizes for the delay explaining that it takes a long time to make a baked potato. During this entire time no other orders were filled since the cook does one meal at a time - in order! My friend had backed up the whole restaurant by an hour with her thoughtless ordering of a baked potato.
hahaha, that is funny!!
Go Burn In Hell Asshole = )
You Wanna Know Why Monsoone Sucked...
Coz You Were There!!!!!
Hmmm - seems that there is one person from Moosonee who can read - though not spell.
I have to agree with some parts of your story. Moosonee does suck in alot of ways. No paved roads, Tim Horton's, Walmart, etc., etc.,. However, Moosonee has alot of other things that make up for what "tourists" might think we lack. We may not have Tim Horton's but I'll take tea bloss over Timmies any day. We don't have paved roads. We do have lots of potholes which make drivers slow down or risk damage to their vehicles. We can walk from one end of town to the other in less than an hour. There is literally no pollution here other than dust. But we save money by not having to buy hairspray. Everybody knows everybody. You are entitled to your opinion about Moosonee but that is all it is, an opinion. We are entitled not to care about your opinion. We choose to live here. You are more than welcome to never return. Oh by the way, just so you know. When the Air Force base was here, many seeds were sown. For all you know, I could be your sibling or relative.
I wish you a good day.
I forgot to mention: I can read AND spell. My grammar is pretty good too, eh???
Hello from Moosonee!, I am from the heart of the Niagara Region and chose to move to Moosonee. I love the natural beauty such as tides coming in and going out, the spring breakup of the ice on the river, riding a river boat up to James Bay for a few hours, the clean air, no industry, no building over 3 feet high, no humming of giant hydro lines, no buses, no sirens day and night, low crime rate, being on the Moose River and able to soothe my soul by the water whenever I feel the need, the low murmer of Cree being spoken around me, the smell of tamarack trees in the spring, watching the vehicles drive down from the coastal communities in the winter, the different wildflowers, and of course the starry, starry nights. Regarding your use of the term 'native' please be advised that First Nations peoples' are comprised of many different nations i.e. Cree, Oji-Cree, Mohawk, Seneca, Onadaga, Tslit, Ojibway just to name a few. This is the equivalent to Europeans being French, Polish, German etc. Is it possible that since you were on vacation that perhaps those of us 'wandering aimlessly around' might also have been on vacation? I regret that your visit was not what you had anticipated, however, check out our official website before you come again or since I am from Niagara, I suggest that this might be the ideal vacation hotspot instead. With Respect and in Peace, Selina
You're a sad sad man, why? It's sad on how you took everything in on a first impression (especially when the pics were of crappy weather, lol). & Only 2 days, god that was so tough wasn't it? All the mosquitos biting & all the "native people" surrounding you, oh my. I'm just glad that Moosonee doesn't have to put up with someone so ignorant on a daily basis.
xox, A Girl From Moosonee:)
F.Y.I...tons of red heads in Moosonee
I could say that I am sorry to hear that your trip wasn't what you had expected. But, why should I waste my time doing so. Moosonee and Moose Factory do lack alot of 'civilized' luxuries, Timmies, Wal-Mart, a variety of grocery stores to choose from and so on. But, to alot of us that grew up around here it does not matter. We don't take pride in ourselves because we have the above, we take pride because we are unique in so many ways. Ways that your narrow mind can not fathom. Life in the North is beautiful. We do not have to worry about pollution, traffic-jams, etc. Everyone knows each other, there's a real sense of community. I have to say once again that you have failed to see the beauty of our communities. We have very successful 'Native' people that work hard each day, we have beautiful homes, good jobs. most importantly, we are accepting to people like you who come into OUR territory.
the napster says:
thats funny and some what true, but i agree with the ladies and theyre comments its not all that bad, it could be worse, lol to the coastal communities that place is like is a small in closing may you live forever bob.....
sorry but we all dont live a perfect world:D
It's really sad to read your blog only because through your writing it is obvious to me that you are a very unhappy person who cannot appreciate the peace and tranquility that the 7 hour train ride offers. I live in a large urban city and unlike yourself I have always loved the train ride and visit up there because people are in fact friendly if you'd only let them be. You may have lived up in Moosonee as a kid on the base...but I am almost positive that you remember nothing else about it other than the house in which you lived. Say in the city "urban boy."
My mistake....
"Stay in the City Urban Boy"
Bring on SURVIVER!
Me against the Author!
YOU wouldn't last!
Can I get an amen!
Jestuga!! =)Moosonee...Hummm
I have lived in Moosonee all my life and would never dream of leaving this town.
Maybe if you were still living in Moosonee..You wouldnt be such a DICK that you grew up to be.....
Sorry babe just had to tell it like it is
Robert Mitchner: (the author of this colourful blog)
For the first time in years the owners of Two Bay decided not to run their tours due to the train delays, which is due to track maintenance. This is for the safety of the passengers of the Polar Bear Express, therefore necessary.
Unfortunately for you, you chose this particular year to visit. It's funny to me that your parents didn't warn you or "horrible Moosonee." They stayed for three years, which implies that they had more sense than you.
Your comments are not only stereotypical, but also very racist. It amazes me that in this day and age, there are still ignorant self-righteous people such as yourself around.
Did you try visiting Charles Island for a BBQ, or go fishing, or for a nature walk? Or did you just stay around the hotel and two restaurants and sulk that there was nothing to do, and complain about everything.
I would never plan a trip to a place without researching the things to do there, or places to visit.
Good luck on your next trip, but i pity the people in the town/city you visit.
Terri Gunner
Firstly, I was always told if you have nothing good to say then keep it to yourself. I guess you were never taught this as a youngster.
I am sorry our communities didn't meet your expectations or your memories, which must be very vague memories now.
Both communities have seen a lot of progress in the years since you left and for someone who seems to have experienced a lot in your travels you didn't see this I guess.
I have been to places that are questionable, but I look at what is there and ask what can you do here. Obviously, you wanted someone to bend over and kiss your ass - I sorry to say no one in our communities will this, but I am sure you will find a line up of people who are more than willing to kick it.
I had to put my thoughts into words because I if you can bad mouth a community I can bad mouth you.
It's a shame what a biggot you turned out to be, your dad from the Amry must be very proud. It would be interesting to see what kind of life you live, if you have one. As for being a teacher I hope your not discrimination the children, and teaching them how to be an asshole. I sorry that the world wasn't made for you and your father...I can only suggest that you stay on your houseboat, until you can handle the what god created.
Moosonee isn't the easiest place to live, as it is right smack in the middle of the bush.However, obviously you fail to even realize the beauty of how rare the land is is a tough place to live but to many,many families and the memory of our ancestors-who lived a hard life there; its everything to all and others can leave it...but thats how life is in general...if you were expecting a 4 star hotel and city like attractions-maybe thats where you should have stayed.
Like i said before, it is a tough place to live but that doesn't entirely mean it lacks dignity, culture, or self-respect...its my opinion (and only mine) that you really need to take a good look at yourself instead of bashing in a place (and everything about it-including the people).
It' very easy to bash in something or people online because you are hiding but i'm sure (and i would bet on it) you wouldn't dare even think of that, when you were stuck in Moosonee...the "shithole" as you call good luck to you in your life, and your next great adventure because with your attitude, you are obviously going to need it more than anyone-especially the residents of Moosonee and the CREE people who live there...i truly feel sorry for you obviously you can't see beyond your own two feet.
peace buddy.
Well Bob, you are entitled to your opinion from a tourist’s insight even though you spend some of younger years growing up in Moosonee. So, I have an opinion of HBB (houseboat Bob), after all freedom of speech is what’s it’s all about. Blogging is a way of telling the world who you are, your opinions, expression, indulgences and fears such as HBB’s experience with his growth on his left testicle, very insightful. Negative vibes can come from this honesty to blog such as disrespecting women; I quote HBB “What I don’t understand is the endless supply of fat, self indulgent women in this world.” But let’s not forget HBB is a teacher, loves his students when they go on canoe trips and they adore him, maybe; I quote HBB “I have to deal with the real world frustrations of marking tests, teaching students subjects that they have no interest in learning, and generally dealing with parents who think their off-spring are the sweetest, smartest, kindest kid to hit the face of this earth since the sweet baby Jesus went to school. After all - it does cost money to play in a virtual world and I need the pay cheque.” Virtual world meaning World of Warcraft a PC game that is very addictive and this dedicated teacher reach over level 70. Don’t forget, Robert is also a womanizer with his “TheMaleFantasyFiles” Blog (half naked young girls in bikinis), Robert, Robert, Robert. You are in violation of terms of service with, just to let you know that. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, free speech right bob.
lmfao moosonee does kind of suck but when you describe it it sounds like The Most Shittyest Place On Earth
Good job, you have taught people something very valuable. You’ve given people a glimpse of what life would look like through the eyes of a real SHITHEAD. What’s scary is that our education system has allowed such ignorance into our classrooms to poison more minds.
This shithole doesn't need a big asshole like you around. As for dogs being smarter than the "natives", this remark would have got your ass kicked, instead you write it up on a computer safe in your home. It sounds like you have a problem with alcohol, if you wanted a drink so bad why didn't you go to your local bar where ever the hell your from instead of coming to Moosonee. Nobody asked you to come here, and I really hope you don't plan on coming back.
deal with it , actually ALL THE JAMES BAY AREA COULD RELATE TO MOOSONEE , you could judge all you want , blahh blahh blahh .. whatever , thatsss native lifee babbyy !!! ... rezz lifee !
Houseboat Bob. You seriously crack me up man. For one thing, I see a Boathouse as a Trailer on water. Haha..sorry I had to get that one out right away. I'm from Moose Factory and I have to admit that when I was reading your blog I took offense and I felt a bit angry. But, after looking around a bit more on your site to get a better picture of the man behind the words, I just had laugh. You're very open with your opinions and I'm sure you knew that you were going to get a negative response from people in the area. You're entitled to your opinion just like everyone else. But I have a question. Where does the fantasy of "The Land of Lovely Luscious Lesbians" begin and end? I hope to God it does not carry into your classroom. Relaxing at your desk, you find yourself still plagued by these troublesome visions of lesbians" I have to admit, after looking at your picture, you do fit the profile of a pedaphile..from the low sloping forehead to the beady eyes. Hopefully some parents will read your blogs and get their daughters the hell out of your classroom. I know I would. As an individual who plays a big part in developing minds I would not be so quick to post your fantasies. I'm not saying a teacher shouldn't have fantasies..but keep them to your self there ya big perv. But hey, that's my opinion. Everyone's entitled to one, even us "native's that wander aimlessly around". Mull that one over between games of Warcraft and fantasies of lesbians.
MOFO BOB!! I mean Boathouse Bob. I don't like you because you are a bumhole. You're mean. My dog loves me and when I go for a walk I know where I'm going, I'm not wandering aimlessly. When I saw your picture I wanted to cover up any exposed skin because I felt violated by those perverted eyes and that hairy face.
Anyways, awesome page there buddy. Add me
When I paid a visit to Moosonee I felt I was going to a place where life is really enjoyed. The train trip started at 8AM from Cockeran and we arrived at Moose at 1145AM. We toured Moose factory and saw many delightful things, the Lions hall, radio station and the church with the holes in the floor, the hospital and a beautiful school. The boat rides were great and the scenery out of this world. The trip back on the train is most remember as the bar car opened and a lady played the piano all the way back to Cock. We sang and dance and the trip ended so fast. As a shithead u missed out on many memorable things to view, record and take home to show as this is an out post in Ontario that many people will never see in their life time. You went with an opinion that was not changed and you should be ashamed of yourself. But then as a shithead who gives a shit.
Well first of all..when my family and I have travelled..I do research on the place to which we are travelling. And something that I always say is that, "its only as boring as you make it".
AND yes..someone failed to teach you that if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all!!!
Are you serious Bob? Why would you allow people to read into your pathetic and obviously lonely life like this? I mean...maybe if you actually had something interesting to say...I can't believe you're a teacher...obviously an old one though. Thank god.
Go back to your games and order a tapped beer on-line, and when you've had enough, just do it Bob...get it over with and pull the trigger so you don't corrupt any more children that have a chance(or what ever else you're doing with them).
Robert, Robert, Robert...Lets hope you never come back, for your sake...;)
jus stuck bob lol
Hey, this guy should have crossed the river to Moose Factory. Then he'd figure out that there is a bigger shot hole on this planet. Then all the Moosonee folk on here wouldn't be so mad :)
is that you Relic?
To Anonymous #??: (Gosh, last time I went to Moosonee/Moose Factory, you people still had names!!) I come from Moose Factory, Moosonee is a bigger "shithole" than Moose Factory. Moose Factory is also prettier. :P So there. (Just keeping up the old rivalry.)
To the author of this blog: Yes people from Moosonee/Moose Factory are educated and can spell. Most of us actually work. Walking "aimlessly" around happens to be a cultural thing I suppose, it doesn't mean people pick up their welfare checks and do nothing else. How many residents (native and non-native) did you actually talk to or hang out with? Next to zero it would appear. From what I can tell you searched out the other tourists and hung out with them.
The way you describe eating and ordering drinks, you obviously have some class, or were brought up with some class, are used to classy restaurants and chic hotels. You just don't have enough class to graciously accept that not every culture has the same way of doing things. Because you, sir, were not visiting just another place in southern Ontario for example. You were stepping into a place as foreign as Afghanistan if you will. Yes that's right. Would you expect them to know what beer on tap is in Afghanistan and then complain when they didn't? That sounds like the typical American who wants his McDonald's even when he is in France and could be drinking fine wine and cheese and French bread or having foie gras or some other culinary experience.
People don't think the same way up North, they don't act the same way, they don't speak the same way, they don't even have the same sense of humour. I know, because when I moved away I had to deal with cultural differences. Like the way people up there are always helping each other out, for free. Doesn't happen where I live now. If anyone helps me out, I better be ready with a wallet to offer money because a thank you isn't enough. Even if they refuse the money, I still have to offer it, so they can refuse it.
You know, on the other hand, I can see that it might have been hard to just "hang out" with locals, because the Cree are a quiet introverted culture in general. It's not always easy to get them talking. You just have to fall on the right person. Some of them will talk your ear off. Some of them also have univeristy degrees. Some of them have lived down south and know what beer on tap is. Some of them have travelled to Europe and other places and know about a lot of other things. Doesn't sound to me like you gave Moosonee much of a chance after seeing what the place looked like initially. Yeah, it does look like a shithole. But think of the logistics of bringing in the type of materials and machinery needed to pave the roads and make it look like a southern town, all on that train you took. Because there aren't any other freight options, unless you try by canoe downriver...
You know, Mooseonee isn't perfect, neither is Moose Factory, where I grew up, and I've got some gripes too, but it sounds to me like your attitude had a lot to do with how "shitty" your experience was.
well folks I finally found my brother. well bob, I am the off spring of your father.LOL
what you put into life is what you get out of it, from your view of everything around you its obvious how narrow minded you even respond to your blog almost puts me in the same place as you..ewwww!!
you dont see our peaceful way of life...and I dont know what gives you the right to bash the way we live...we are educated people who work hard and not everyone is on U.I...I come from a family with 5 brothers and not one of us has ever been on dad instilled good working habits in us all and also taught us to respect others...something you DAD failed to do..maybe you DAD should go back to the arm...and if we are lucky they will send him to IRAQ..and if we are really lucky he will take his little QUEER boy with him..
Well the worst thing is that Bob "trailer park boat bob" viewed Moosonee as some tourists would. The first problem is the fault of the ONR and it's advertizing. We should stand up to them (with our mayor and councillors support of course) and tell the ONR when it will run. Next the Town Mayor and Council should take this as a hint and fix the museum, listen to the tax payers/residents and pave the roads so that we are now chewing dust all day. We all know who the motel/restaurant owner is and that he is a councilor for our town. He doesn't really care about tourism or the town, his people nor his business, but hey you voted for him. If you would have spoke to local people and told them about your thoughs they might have introduced you to Charlie Faries, he might have been your 1/2 brother, also a pedefile. As for you Bob you make everyone, even yourself, thinks that you are so impressive with you atire, dress code and on tap drinks. In reality Bob I see you as a person with no friends, single living in a trailer on floats.
You know i've always have had a high respect for our teacher's/onstuctor's, but to find out you are one of them makes me mad, and disappointed. You must have been one of those people that seeped out from the barrel when they hired you. They obviously do not check out credentials also because when i looked around at your blogger, I am disgusted, you are a very, very, very, very, sick man. I am also sorry they allow people like you to travel or maybe you didn't even travel, maybe you found someone else's experience on the net and copied it as your own. You stayed and drank yourself out of oblivion they only way depressed, sad sick men do. What a sad lonely life you have. I am so very sorry you're a teacher, you should make way for those people that do love teaching, quit man, just quit. You cannot be a very good teacher the way you complain about it. And person you look up to is Kramer, you live a sad life, i suggest you enter into treatment for your alcohol addiction and your sexual addiction which you have and get better, than maybe nexttime, that is if you really did, you can see the beauty in this country. But look somewhere else do not come back here to our beautiful CREE country, we do not want you back. Also as a canoer like you, I don't even think you are as a canoer would love the train ride as they see the bush as the most beautiful thing in this world, and would see the waterways in which they would love to explore. So don't tell me you're a canoer you imposter. Live your own life, oh yeah, must be really boring, got to live someone else's, right.
I suggest to the people reading this, not to feed into the ego and ignorance of this person. That's all he's doing getting the best of us all. Don't fall for it people!!!
Just ignore it. I know I will. Peace.
What a typical white person
You Know Moosonee is very nice place..I wouldn't move from here, this is where I want to raise my kids..The only time I moved from here was when I was in College..Happy to back in CREE country! I hope you don't come back here again!
Yes our community may have dirt roads and potholes and muddy streets, even city pave roads can be just as bad and it does not take us hours to get to our destinations having to get stuck in traffic. I will admit the blackflies and mosquitos can be terrible but we learn to live with it. Yes the train ride can be long and boring at times but its one of our main forms of transportation in and out of Moosonee, we learn to live with that too. We may not see Moose or Bear while traveling the train but take boat ride in the bush anywhere in the great James Bay and you will surely find wild game. Yes native people may wander aimlessly (some not all) but remember people wander aimlessly in cities as well, people of all race at that. If you look hard enough there is always something to do such as camping, boating, fishing, family BBQ's, picnics, sporting events, community events. For you to say such a thing of letting the whole town die by ripping the rail to shreds is such an awful thing to say considering the fact a large part of the members are children (school children)pretty sad huh considering your profession is an Educator. Living in small communities does leave little opportunity for employment at times thus the reason why some must collect Unemployment Benefits. It does not mean they haven't work hard many of our community members do bust their butts to make ends meet. We live in a very northern community where the cost of living is quite high which is no fault of our own. For you to say we do not welcome tourists. What about the thousands of natives who live in southern cities many of these natives feel unwelcomed as well by so called racist remarks and being labeled as "Indians" by non natives, and yet you cry of feeling unwelcomed for a mere two days. Put yourself in our native shoes who have felt unwelcomed and ridiculed for generations by ignorant people such as yourselves. You speak of tourists who are not accommodated. I am quite sure only a minority feel that way. It is the same for us natives as well we do not feel accommodated when staying at hotels down south. Many restaurants in the city do have poor service as well, another thing that occurs world wide. As for the comment about dogs, I have rarely ever seen dogs follow tourists as you describe. I believe people in our community generally do care about their dogs at least we never heard of horror stories of animals being treated inhumanely like we hear about in southern towns or cities. We may be native but we are not stupid nor are we dumb as you perceive us to be. Maybe you should take some time to get to know us as people we are humans, we care, we love, we work hard, we earn our keep, we have flaws but that does not make us any different from you. I always believe there is always good in people no matter how ignorant one can be but that is my belief. Moosonee and Moose Factory are community oriented hardworking citizens who have faced many challenges in life. Our communities are unique with the beauty of nature and rich in many ways beyond your imagination. We are NATIVE and Proud of it!!!!!!!!
Dear Trailor Park Bob.
I am a caucasion 19 year old living in Moosonee, and I have done so for the past 13 years of my life.
I'm appauled by the close-minded opinion that you have spread of the internet. You bash our town without just cause continuously in your blog and it's very upsetting. If you were to spend the weekend here, catching the nice weather [ just like in any other area you have to catch good weather when it comes to you] you would have a higher appreciation for our scenory that you decided you hated so much, because Moosonee can't even compare to the SHITHOLE view you get off your 100$ redneck houseboat.
Anyways, it's unfortunate that you had to write this immature blog of yours because now you are no longer welcome to Moosonee & you won't be able to see the greatness that this town has to offer.
P.S. Your apology is not accepted, what you have written is set in stone. And i pity the poor place you live in, to live with such a broken man.
"First Nations" Bob... yea i think some of us will accept yr sorry ass only because you had such a rotton time...haha
on the other hand contact the ONR train. the head office is in North Bay,On after all they LIED to you to, & go get yr money back from them! full refund. ONR SUCKS TO.
They are the ones whose creating false advertisments just to make money for themselves and thier bussiness. They never respect the First Nation peoples. all they is make us look bad to tours, we dont hold anything againest them.
we were taught to love and honor and respect other Nations and people that come into the community.
And ONR was told many times.. it is "US" thats keeping thier bussiness going on daily bases not the tours.
maybe next if you ever wanna(which I doubt)come back.. bring yr tents and yr boats and get to know some of the local that runs thier boats in the river. I see you enjoy the outdoors. theres some great camping grounds and fishing areas here to, you just need to find the right people to help you.
bring all your friends.
Just hopefuly the person with the BB gun will be gone by then.. lol
other then boozing on yr trip, go to then maybe you dont have such a bad hangover and act grouchy ok?
contact William Tozer of Mosonee hes got a plane and can take you places.
yr pictures of yr outdoor trips looks good..only if you giving moosonee a chance.
yea so we had potholes. at least nobody has got killed from being hit by a car. right? so what you ran into bad weather over in the moose, & the bugs.. they are all over when you go in the bush I live in a city right now, they have the same bugs over here as they do in moosonee. its all over this world.
on the note:
Im proud to be Canadain and proud to be Aboriginal.
Good luck in the near future.
Im sure everyone will forgive you once they get over themselves.
Im sure you meant it when you said Sorry.
*Lady of First Nations*
I say we should all go to wherever he lives and bash him or sink his houseboat.... it is trash talk indeed.... I am sure his place is not the Taj Mahal.... and I agree if you have nothing nice to say...then don't say anything at all.
Well, well, well....Bob, Bob, Bob!!
What can I say?? You sure stuck your ass into a hornets nest with Moosonee!! (And, made a big swollen ass of yourself!!).
I am from Toronto originally... grew up in Scarberia, Highland Creek as it was then called. I remember the old farm buildings, and land bought by developers, being left for us kids to roam around and have "wars" in and demolish as we saw fit!! Then the developement, and unchecked growth and poor planning!!! Wasn't bad enough that my parents had there farm anexed for the non-exsistant "Pickering Airport"! The area grew sooo fast, urban sprawl ate everything green for miles around, houses after houses, appartment after appartment... Well we left before my last year of highschool was up, and moved up to a country property outside of Barrie to get away from the higher crime,and unchecked growth. Now that area is the new Toronto....growing unchecked ....the same senario all over again!!! What can we say??
I believe that the "Go fourth and multiply" attitude of Southerners is not working, and is starting to fail miserably!!
Canadian sports anouncers were commenting on the air quality in Beijing at the recent Olympics...well when I went to drop my daughter off in London Ontario, I could see (or smell)the smog that looked every bit as bad as it had on those photos of Beijing....something to be proud of maybe???
I now live outside of Iroquois Falls, not far from Old Porquois Junction. Our town has gone through many similar problems you mention about Moosonee...population drops, too many small towns chasing too few $ from the Tourists, and tying to entice industry... and many of the towns are dying the slow death!!! But... and this is a big point... I wouldn't trade our little "shit holes" as you soo fondly put it for all the Torontos and Barrie like cities!!!
Let me further explain... I work for the Ministry of Natural Resources in Cochrane, I am a Resource Tech there, and as such have had worked in Moosonee and up the coast in the other smaller communities many times. The people there are very self sufficient, have amazing sense of humour, are proud, and hard working, and have seen many many fundings and promises come and go!! Both industrial, and Government. If you would indulge yourself and learn more about the real Native history, (and not just what you have read in our typical history texts), you would be ashamed of what you had said!!! I have worked with some of the nicest and hardest most self sufficient people I know in those areas! I have managed forest fire fighting in those areas, and have found some amazing people with amazing skills there, that would blow the minds of "speciallized" urban folks!!! And, even Southern Ontario Rural folks! People that can build, plumb and wire a house, and know how to trap and fish, and fix a skiidoo at -40!! People that know the law, keep the peace, and are willing to rescue folks, pick up injured or deceased, and the list goes on!! Some of the experiences that folks in these areas have gone through you can never imagine being in your insulated "rich" southern world!!
The arrogance, and ingorance of some of your comments astound me!!
I did read your apology, and I understand what you were trying to say... but, by making those comments you have highlighted the differences in this country between the rich urban areas (and your southern Canadian rural areas are to us northerners...the same thing!!), and us poorer "have not areas", that have gone through terrible financial changes in recent years! I would suggest that you take your comments about how things could be better and put your money where your mouth is anc come up and invest and start where others have started. You appear to be like the heckler at a party, or function.... always willing to tell what's wrong, and not willing to lend a hand and pitch in!!
I do understand SOME of your critisism... but without doing honest research on the areas and people you bashed, you did those folks and yourself a grave injustice!!!
Lars Hildebrandt
Someone said Moose Factory is a bigger shithole than Moosonee....HAA!! Don't make me laugh there buddy. Moose Factory is so much richer in so many ways!! More culture, better hockey players, better looking people in general, better hunters...seems to me, Moosonee is all coasties and white folk.
oh oh...... this isnt goin tobe good at all....
bout the moose factory and moosonee... hello wheres the love people.....
thy r both nice places i use to live there... please no fightin words ok. Bob started al this ... let s not fight with each other, but back each other up!! come on people.
Well houseboat bob, you struck a nerve...more than that. You made people mad...including myself, but then I felt saddened. It's maddening to hear and see your ignorance. Obviously, you have not really opened your eyes to the breath taking beauty of nature that surrounds Moosonee. It's not just the treks into the wilderness by boat or ski-doo -- the connection to the land -- that makes small communities like Moosonee a great place to live, but the close ties where people know each other. You've complete missed all that. This is not Toronto or some other large urban centre, no timmies here, no fast food resturants at every corner and no large malls. When you came here, what were you thinking?? Obviously, you had wanted to revisit your childhood, but sadly you never found the connection with this small community. So, all you can do now is take a dump on it. Like I said, I was mad, then sad. Your blog is a comment, not on moosonee, but on your sad life you have now. Sorry to hear.
I lived in Moosonee for 7 years and I loved it. I loved the outdoors. Small community life, there's nothing like it.
As I read this I felt this person is so ignorant and has no idea what we all face here, but then again we all have our own opinion, I see the changes where there are no services for tourists now and they have to find their own ways when in reality theres not much to see anymore due to the age and deteriation of older buildings, its not a matter of who can maintain them, its all about respecting what we have today because we never know if we will have it tomorrow, we all grow older and life brings many changes.
We may not have much but there is growth in nature and its beauty that surrounds us everyday. The train ride for me is a relaxing time visually seeing the changes nature has for us out there, from a quiet town to the hussle and bussle of city life, but I have no complaints because every where we go there are different things, but we ought to be glad that we can see, smell, here and breath each day. So Bob there are differences of opinions that we all have but we ought to reconsider everyones elses feelings because we never know if one day we will have the one next to us or a family member or anyone we may know at all, nature brings us peace beauty like the way your travels take you in your life, you love the outdoors wanting to view new or past surroundings. Take in as much history as you can while you can thats all I can say so take care on all your journeys life has for you.
hey,, Houseboat bob
i was just reading your trip acticle to Moosonee. didn't dad tell you to visit me, your other brother, he left behind when the air base closed. tell dad i have a band number now..
riverboat bob
"Someone said Moose Factory is a bigger shithole than Moosonee....HAA!! Don't make me laugh there buddy. Moose Factory is so much richer in so many ways!! More culture, better hockey players, better looking people in general, better hunters...seems to me, Moosonee is all coasties and white folk."
Don't forget racists...
A majority of the residents in M.F are from the coastal communities as well,Quebec side that is.
Well, all I have to say is that this blog was appalling. I've lived in Moosonee for 17 of my 18 years.
I have had a desire to leave here, to continue on with my education. Which is what I did. I left only to pursue my highschool and college education.
Now, I am back in Moosonee, and am throughly enjoying myself here. The sense of community is so strong amongst the people of this town, it is simply overwhelming. Of course, many of us would hardly expect a big-time city slicker like yourself to understand anything about such a tight-knit community.
As for Moosonee being a "shithole", you may believe what you like. Of course, a first impression is a lasting impression. However, I believe it is fair to say that you jumped to unnecessary and unwarranted conclusions.
All you spoke of in your blog was about our two restaurants, and of the hotel. Therefore, the following question is just begging to be asked: did you even make it off the main street ? Honestly, there is much to see in Moosonee, if you would have only taken the time to look. I don't believe you ever mentioned Moose Factory, did you ever make it out there ?
Admittedly, summer is not our best season. You should have made the trip in the fall, when the leaves turn all sorts of golds and and reds. Or, prehaps in the winter, when the snow transforms the town into a beautiful place of constant activity and excitement. Children playing in the snow, people going for snowmobile rides. Yes, winter is our season.
Moosonee is a fantastic place. It is a safe community to raise children in, everyone looks after one another. We take great pride in our culture, and make sure that the young people know what it means to be a First Nations individual.
It is unfortunate that your trip to Moosonee was less than enjoyable. However, should you plan to make this trip again, please be advised that you have to find the history and excitement. It will not just come to you.
I hope I gave you some food for thought.
Very nice, very nice, I give you an A+!
I just want to know one thing, if you hate it so much, why did you bother coming to look at all the BEAUTIFUL sights, shit roads, etc etc? And I'm not talking about just the writer of this lame ass so called "story" but all you fucking tourists.
Not that I'm offended or anything just because it's my hometown but to my people and my community, there's more to this place than just dirt roads, shitty food, shitty waitresses, shitty this, shitty this, well SORRY for not satisfying your fucking whiny attitudes - don't expect us to treat you like a GOD or something just because you are "white" and come from a "city" - we do know what it's like to be in a city, and we do know how it looks.
My god, do you think we are stupid or something?
And again, very nice blog.
Robert Mitchner, that name sounds very long ago were you in Moosonee??
Hello Bob,
You should take your complaints to the coverment, oops I mean government with your concerns, oh wait, weren't they the ones who twisted your mnd by building a modern town at the airbase and poisoning your mind into thinking Moosonee and MooseFactory would be the same. Oh that government, fooling people in thinking we all live the same, hello reality check, have a lot to learn about life and I hope it is soon before you bash another town. Take care, Bob, I hope you don't lose your job over making stupid and racist comments, by the way where do you teach, they need to be warned, Bob is a fake.
I have spoken, have a great life...
well i must say to a comment way below how moosonee was more of a shithole then moose factory,,thats not quite fact if you looked around and saw the ghetto of the island you'd feel astonished how people can live in those shacks they call houses "(just keeping the rivalry going, ergh just grow up. were less than half a mile away from you guys, oh btw just to shed a little light, we got the LCBO:D) anyway..i can almost agree with this blog about how moosonee is a shithole...the education is almost as good as down south has but not quite the best when it comes to extracurricular. The roads suck, we have no theatre for entertainment purposes. However, living here and growing up as a child i would say its not so bad if you know alot of people, socialize, and most importantly..a home to go to.
Wow, what an awesome response and a defense our home towns. Love it! So Robert aka Houseboat Bob It is too bad that your plans and your trip disappointed you. But get in line you are not the first tourist to bash Moosonee and Moose Factory I recall "Car and Driver" magazine had a simliar bashing and racist remarks.
But honestly, we do not live up here waiting to entertain tourist, and I would be safe to say that all the money you spent on the train ticket, motel, restaurant and so on were not Native owned businesses. But like most tourist who travel up in these areas I hope you were not expecting to see the Hollywood Indian.
But if you were really interested in a trip into the past, you would have had it better planned agenda.
But it is too bad that you had to bash Moosonee with your negative and racist comments. From what I understand lately, postings, blogs and anything else one puts on the internet will bite you in the ass at some point. By the way, the polar bears are not 1000 kms away anymore thanks to gobal warming.
nii Leslie
Hi Bob,
I am sorry you were disappointed about your visit to our community; however, leaving comments such as rude as (Natives wandering aimlessly - Natives waiting for their unemployment benefits - and how the dogs are smarter than 85% of our population) was not called for at all. I figure the ones you might have seen wandering aimlessly may have been the few homeless ones in our community out of the population of approx. 2000 people. (Homeless and harmless)
Also, our community consists of an high school, a college, 2 community day care centres, 2 elementary schools, a grocery store, a furniture store, a hardware get my drift and all these organizations EMPLOY our people.
The one dog that followed you was very fortunate not to get caught by the dog catcher..when you were told not to worry about him..that is all it was about..not to worry about the poor dog, I am sure if the dog was as unhappy as you are..he could have just jump infront of a vehicle or the mighty Moose River itself.
Our community is so strong in supporting one another. School trips are possible by community members supporting all fundraising events, that goes for the hockey teams and basketball teams fundraising for out of town tournaments.
I know alot of harsh comments have been written to you, not all would respond the same way, but we all probably have felt offended by your comments. Maybe if you decide to visit another community that you are not happy with, please keep your comments to yourself or were you looking for this kind of publicity?
We just went to B.C. a month ago and believe me we spent months researching the place we were about to visit. Someone did mention that it is common sense to research the community you are about to visit.
Anyways enough of my jabbering..
Should you decide to visit again, I hope you truly do see the beauty of our home land.
Sharon, Jess, Val & Heather Ross
Well, it a Blessing to know that we are Blessed to have people such as we are gather together to deffend the heritage that we so graciously have been given from our great, great grand fathers, it is a Blessing to be a native and be proud to be raised in our communities, But it's also even more Blessed to Give than to recieve. My point is Bob you are welcome back anytime and we do forgive you Bob just as you might have been taught, see Bob even as Christ Forgave us so we do also, We forgive you Bob. And I hope you forgive us if we have not met your expectations on this trip. come again come and visit we are not a mob of thugs that wonder aimlessly, this has been our past time we do things to keep busy and I hope you can see where all this is coming from, and I know you have a heart that gives so recieve what I give you "forgiveness". This ends my discussion. I will not make you the center of attention you seek. But I close with this Prayer even as Christ The son of God who created the heavens and the earth declared...'Father, Forgive Them, They no, not what they do"...
But his blog is all so true my good folks of Moosonee. Open your eyes and you will see. Why take Bob's blog to the heart, When deep inside you know it's all so true. As a local native of Moosonee borned and raised, This blog should open eyes and aim there anger to people whom run this so called town. It's because of them our town is a shit hole. Mayor and council should be replaced. If more of you get offended by Bob's Blog or my comment then I think Dogs are smarter tha 85% of us... I shall leave it at that, Love Clifford the big red
I agree with the last comment, we need local people running this town, (Mayor) we should have aboriginal local leadership and maybe this town would have a voice. We the local people (85 %), never get the good opportunities, we are always shovelled to the side with the shitty jobs. This is a First Nation town... We can be better if we didnt get pushed around and put down all the time, this is why ppl think of us in a negative way. The next Mayor needs to be native and our native people need to take leadership and pride in this community... MOOSONEE IS A GREAT PLACE.
I read your story with interest and disappointment. I live in Moose Factory and have lived in Moosonee. This is my home.
For someone such as you who is ignorant and had high expectations of something you obviously did not learn about or know nothing about, you certainly think very highly of yourself to say Moosonee is a shithole.
Your story is a bit far fetched...especially about the dogs. The dogs follow anyone around be it tourist or local people. They are being dogs, and no, they are not trying ot get away. They are probably hungry as they may strays or been abandoned. About the "natives", I am a Native person. Did you ask the Native people or did you just make assumptions or jump to conclusions yourself about "wandering aimlessly".
From I understand the Air Base was a self-contained community with white people and ventured into Moosonee when necessary. Many of the men met Native women and some married them. When the Air Base was closed, Department of National Defence left a big mess with abandoned buildings and possibly contaminates in form of barrels. Did you know that? There is a lot of things you don't know about Moosonee.
Pat yourself on the back for coming up here. Think before you speak. Have respect for yourself and maybe you will have respect for others.
Hi, it's me again. You may correct what is not grammatically correct if it makes you feel any better.
It would seem that people who choose to comment on this blog article do so without having read the two other blog articles I have written on Moosonee since having posted this admittedly biased and in many ways inappropriately worded article.
In these other articles I discuss my expectations of the trip and no I wasn't expecting to stay at the Hilton Moosonee. I also mention that I did go to Moose Factory and try to find interesting places to experience while in the area and that, in fact, I did speak to local residents who provided me with their insight into their town - right or wrong. As I mention in one of those other blog articles - I wasn't the one who came up with the inflammatory '85% of people vs dogs' statement.
But more importantly, I discuss that my frustrations and my views on Moosonee (and to be fair Moose Factory) stemmed from my frustration with being a tourist in your community and that ultimately I recognize that Moosonee and area can be and is a wonderful place to live.
Yes I did my research and had I gone to Moosonee two years ago I think I would have had a wonderful time. But even as I write this response there are still websites promoting the Revillon Freres Museum - which by the way I was interested in going to see and which, as most of you know, has been closed for a while. The same goes for the church at moose Factory which I remembered as a kid, which as you know is also closed.
I was also put off by the train. Some of the cars on that train are in bad need of upgrading and there is no excuse for the long delays that people must suffer through on the way to Moosonee. Do you think that this type of delay would be tolerated for any length of time in Southern Ontario. The answer is NO!
Whose problem is it? Here is where we may disagree. The problem is yours people of Moosonee. You are being treated as second class citizens and as far as I can see you are doing little about it. I will admit I have zero knowledge of the politics of the situation and therefore my opinion is worthless but from an outsiders point of view - someone - and it has to be you - needs to change the situation ... and fast!
I have to agree with some parts, there is a lack of entertainment there, I am originally from Moose Factory, I now live in the city, not a very big one, but it offers way more than the north can offer, I was offended however when you said native ppl dont take care of they're dogs, your welcome to my house anytime to see my cat and dog are well taken care of and are the most spoiled pets ever! I am native, so dont stereotype, moosonee has some scenic places, but most of the tourists attractions are on the island which you shouldve visited, its almost like yesteryear, elderly native women selling they're hand made crafts, a cemetary that is god knows how old, but thats not all and im not gonna try and sell you another ticket to make you change ur mind, although..from reading ur blog, it sounds like your childhood wasnt a very happy one and that ur visit sparked some bad memories, maybe if you werent such an ass you wouldve been able to step back and enjoy the finer things in life, im sure bitterness about moosonee is still intact by the sounds of it, i seriously hope your food from the restaurant was spit in and dropped. not even I would eat there! Sorry your trip wasnt as nice as it should've been, take care
BTW - one other item.
In all of the 50 odd countries I have been to in my life, taxi drivers were the ambassadors of that country. Getting into a taxi, the first question would be, "have you been here before" (and yes, most cabbies speak at least some limited English throughout the world). When the response was, "No" - the cabbie would engaged you in a dialogue of what you needed to see and do in their community. For the most part, cab drivers showed great pride in their community and as a tourist or business person, you felt the need and desire to visit all the places recommended.
I must say I was very disappointed in the taxi cab drivers of Moosonee. They did not engage in conversation easily, and did not promote their community in the way I would have expected. However, as one person has already commented on - this may be a cultural thing and not easy to change.
God forbid that I have now angered the cab drivers of Moosonee and Moose Factory but I think it is important to have ambassadors to a community and for a lot of tourists and business people, that responsibility usually falls on the cab drivers of the world. Please don't get me wrong, the cab drivers of Moosonee and Moose Factory were very polite - but the ones I experienced didn't exhibit or present themselves as proud ambassadors of their community.
This is one view of a traveller who is returning to a point where he once lived as a child. That is normal. Moosonee is my birth place. As for 'natives' not 'doing something for tourists', you probably were too busy focusing on the 'negative' stuff that you missed the 'positives' during your stay in this municipality, whose population is higher in percentage of Cree people. That's normal. While grewing up, I was friends with the Gray kids whose late father was in the Air Force at the 'base'. This family was one of the few families I thought were genuinely interested in the people and town. They were constantly active in the community and as students we went to the air force base for 'entertainment' provided by the soldiers who lived there. They in turn were entertained by the talent shows the townsfolk put on for the community on a regular basis. We had winter carnivals and fishing derbies. That was normal.
My family moved to Fort Albany, a reserve nearby, and from time to time I went to Moosonee. Why? It is the people that are important. It is not the way they live in Moosonee, it is a known fact lifestyles were changed due to the many special exchanges between the non-natives and non-residents who lived there with the 'native' people, who are Cree. Sure, we all said stuff about each other that is not positive. All people drank - Air force soldiers, Cree people, Ontario Provincial Police officers, Firemen (with whom I was a volunteer firefighter for a few years in the late 1980s) and man, did we drink, those Nephewis and teachers sure knew how to party! Does make me think negatively of Moosonee or these people? No! Who in hell would I think I am if I did that judgemental thing! It would be an assinine thing to do considering I am now a B.A. degreed Cree who is proud to be from this "SHITHOLE" you dissed my hometown Moosonee as. You are the "SHITHOLE" who came into town and looked through that hole and forgot you had a head that has a brain in it and a body that has a spirit in it and you must be just so proud of yourself for writing this 'narrative'. I am proud of you as well for showing everyone what a "SHITHOLE" that mouth of yours is and your shitty fingers dancing on the keyboards as you wrote this narrative. Congratulations, BOB, you are officially a SHITHOLE to the townpeoples of Moosonee.
I have gone to NEW YORK CITY, PARIS,FRANCE, HOUSTON, TEXAS and frankly, there are parts of that town I could call 'SHITHOLES' but due to my sense of decency and my compassionate nature I simply focused on the positives! Sure, I saw things that were gad awful, I met perverts and saw drunk (perhaps all of Europe is alcoholic - but that is normal).
Hello and good evening, sorry your stay wasn't what you have expected.... and we do hope you would come again.
Seems you are changing your tune somewhat after your first comments. Nothing like posting when you are angry and then having to back track.
Just came back from Moosonee myself, returning after 25 years and I loved every minute of the trip. Yeah, the train was a pain, but I had seen the notice on the ONR web site and checked ahead and decided I could live with it. And nope, maybe the tourist places weren't up and running - I know several of us who went up commented on the fact that the tourists on the train really were getting a crummy deal this year.
However, I spent the two days talking to people who I knew well 25 years ago, reconnecting with them, meeting their children, meeting other people like me who had worked up near Moosonee while we were in high school and university. And what I saw was a lot different than what you saw. I saw people I knew at 15 and 16 who have done remarkeable things with their lives. They're educated, they're working, they have families they love and care for. I saw pride at a pow wow, I saw pride as people took me to their homes and on tours of their towns. I was only there for a couple of days too - and we made it to Moose Factory, spent time at Pow Wow, took a boat out to James Bay, and had an incredible time spending time with wonderful people. Even your comments about the Polar Bear - our food was quick and excellent, the restaurant was full, and they even let us in later on at night one night. I'd stay there again in a heart beat.
Judging a town or a place simply by the way it looks or with preconceived notions prevents you from seeing the heart of a place - which is always the people. I'm sad for you that you missed seeing the heart of Moosonee because I've always found it to be pretty special. I'd suggest you go back and try to find it - but I don't think they'd let you on the train.
Hi, you may delete my comments. It's unfortunate you had a lousy trip to our area.
To minniesutherland
I would not delete your comments anymore than I would delete my original blog. What was said was said from raw emotion and for that reason contains truthfulness no matter how difficult it is to digest. Your comments and others have allowed me to re-evaluate my original, emotionally filled rant and come to see that I needed to deliver my message in a more balanced, less 'stupid' way. I thank you.
Bob, at first I chuckled while I read your blog & was amost feeling sorry for you. Poor you. Then I was angry at the nasty, rude & racist comments. It's so sad to know that there are still people out there who continue to judge us and seem so fearful at getting to know us. Sounds like you didn't make too many friends while growing up in Moosonee, again...poor you. Otherwise two days would not have been enough time to visit with them. I now live in Cochrane and I'm enjoying it...and I don't even drink Timmy's coffee! (lol)'s because of the people...friends I'm making!
As I scanned the comments, I was glad to read the responses from the residents of Double M country. Way to go people!!
You are so racist! You have no appreciation of God's creation of nature and humankind. You need to get educated to keep up with the rest of humanity. I don't think you even like yourself. Go in the bush and tell God you are sorry for bashing His creation.
Moosonee is a shithole town.Ive lived here all my life and never really noticed any changes.Economically Moosonee is in ruins.Its obviously evident with its condition in disrepair.Theres not much of a chance here for a brighter future because nobody really cares for the future or present(alcoholism).I think Moosonee should construct a hydro dam or start mining then it may have hope.
OK so maybe maybe we spend that extra $1000 on our skyrocketing hydro bills rather that a fancy dog collar; or have you notice that groceries here cost double than in the city. Could you maybe imagine how limited the jobs are here maybe SOME people need welfare, but not ALL, hint hint you wont see the middle class walking aimlessly so don't let those five bums on 1st st. rep us all.We also have to pay $100's to travel two days; just to cruise the mall & pick up a Timmie's coffee. No movie theatres at night, just the boring old northern lights dancing across the skies & thousands of stars. it must have been agony for you to have to to actually sit for hours & converse with those around you must have seemed so honking horns late at night, must have been hard to sleep, no worries walking late at night unless your afraid of bears, We're surrounded completely by trees & water & all our friends & family , you were the minority it must have been hard to be stared at & you must have felt judged to maybe even like people were looking at you like you shouldn't be here like you were different. & wow no beer on tap!! I was just wondering what exactly you were expecting when you left the big city & travelled so far north? Did you imagine polar bears walkin on the platform coming up to shake your hand? That native people were so rich living off the goverment that we'd have paved roads rather that dusty potholey gravel? a beautiful hospital for every community rather than 5 communities having to get flown in to share 1.
I don't know if this is a coincidence or not, but it seems that people named "anonymous" are as ignorant of Southern Ontario as they feel I am of Moosonee and surrounding area.
I live in a town that is the same size if not smaller than Moosonee. I must travel 45 minutes to the nearest hospital - screaming sirens and all.
Even in the poorest areas of my town the people keep their lawns tidy. The state of the lawns of some of the houses just off 1st street are deplorable. It doesn't take a lot of time and effort to pick up the trash from your front lawn! To be fair to most home owners, the houses were, for the most part, neat and immaculate - however, the initial impression of someone getting off the train seeing those houses with all the garbage in the front lawn is not good.
In my town I also get to look at the stars and occasionally, especially this time of year, the northern lights. Moosonee doesn't own the solar system yet!
I also sleep without the honking of car horns and the view out my window is of trees and fields - probably much like your own.
I also have no trouble owning up to my comments instead of hiding behind "anonymous".
Unlike Houseboat Bob who wants to remain anonymous and is really Shipwrecked Bob,on the sea of human life, we are Joe and Agnes.
We had the great pleasure of travelling to Moosonee this past summer,thirty years after working with Cree children at Camp Oskiniko in the seventies. It was a tremendous experience to see these childdren now with their own children and own lives,as they joyfully travel on this human journey we all share as fellow Canadians and all members of the human family. Unfortunately poor old House Boat veered off course,and no longer is aware he is still a member of the human family.
We wish to apologize to all the great Cree kids (now responsible adults) that we shared stories with this summer, for the Southern Ontario arrogance shown by Shipwrecked Bob.You know,his arrogance would be a bit more tolerable if he were even a bit qualified to be arrogant.
What did you do with my response to your blog? Did it hit home and make you think why you removed it from the post. What was is the comment about the government, or the issue around being a non aboriginal teacher? Where is it? I left my name.
I have met many fine people from Moosonee!!!It's quite interesting that what you experienced is a shithole. I bet you brought your shithole home with you.I bet you bring it with you wherever you go.
To Sharon Crawford
Your comment still exists where you posted it, on my other article entitled "An apology (of sorts) to Moosonee".
I don't really give anyone the time of day for there ignorant comments about others. But, come on BOB, clean out your backyard before you start judging other people or places. You sound like such a bitter man. you know the saying, "THE APPLE DOESN'T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE?" I'd like to see what your father's attitude is about life....LIFE DOESN'T CHOOSE YOU, IT'S YOU THAT CHOOSES WHAT KIND OF LIFE YOU WANT...anyways, good luck, you may need it.
Wow the only thing you guys have given Bob is crap, crap and guess what, more crap. Either it is crap about his view on moosonee or blaggarded him for his other UNRELATED facts. Leave this guy alone. Yes his views were harsh but imagine finally thinking about going back home, were your childhood took place, after decades and finding the equivalent of a stranded island. How would you feel having hopes and dreams squashed especially hopes on things that are part of who you are. Did you ever imagine this guy lives in a rural area??Did you ever imagine him being the opposite of "ignorant". You look for the Three years spent of enjoyable life and it turns out to be a craphole. The fact that The Polar Bear Express turned out to be a ghost train that intermittently slowed down to unbearable speeds. And this just in ... using the word "native" is not racist you should think your prides lucky he could of used red Indian he could have even used racial nicknames a lot of people with native backgrounds aren't exposed to. And just to let you know HBB shouldn't have to deal with people as rude as yourselves, you guys call yourselves kind and peaceful, it couldn't be further from the truth.(And just to let some people know not everybody gives a shit about timmy's)
HAHAHAHA. No wonder you're pissed off. You got your food late and was not able to forget it.
Gotta go. This native wants to go and wander aimlessly.
Poor you. Having to write back stuff just to get attention. Okay, I am giving you attention. 2 minutes of it.
Now, write nice :) By the way, I know a good therapist. Want the number? Venting means you have an deep underlying issues you need to get off your chest.
Do I sound like I care??
I jest. HAHA
Okay...lets be fair. Talk about homelessness, huge gas prices, environment damages, the greenhouse effect, landfills, know...something that is really important.
Just because HBB was ignorant and arrogant about describing our town, doesn't mean we should show disrespect. I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinions, even if they don't make any sense. Ask him to return and show him WHY we all live here. Stand up and be proud, not pissed off!
Remember Bob, you have to show some respect if you want respect.
Who the FCK do you think you are?
It's pretty amazing to see how you seemingly sound to convince yourself that you actually come from a "better" place than anyone else in this world.
Personally, for the lack of socio-cultural knowledge you put into your blog, I tend to believe you must do come from another planet.
Welcome to Earth, mthrfckr!
Name calling, racists remarks, negatism--- whatever!!!
Just like all places that offer the great neccesities of life, resources, programs and services,,,etc,etc, big deal!!
Just remember this one people of our country, the next time you want to go places to either live or visit:
"It is you, yourself that makes a place a shithole" and don't forget to wipe you ass when you leave...
Moosonee... hmmm, not the best place in the world perhaps? This is all relative right? Some enjoy living in a semi-isolated environment, away from the luxuries and conveniences of urban life, others can't stand the isolation and laid back atmosphere and prefer the fast life of urban sprawl, but that's life and so be it... However, Pandora's box has been opened and freedom of speech and opinion has reared its ugly side as usual. One man's opinion is just that, an opinion and this voice has a right to express it, as do others in rebuttal, as has been shown... It appears that some of the locals are in denial, others are accepting of the reality of living in Moosonee.
Houseboat Bob's opinion and judgement on the community and the people of Moosonee is obviously premature and lacks substance, he experienced CULTURE SHOCK folks, a natural phenomenon... Bob should have walked a mile, stayed awhile... and...When in get my drift
Suck it up, live it Bob, and be sure to visit again when you are mature enough and open minded to realize that everything in life is relative... That goes for all...
I lived in the same house as you did for two years. What a small world. You should try paddling down to Moosonee, one of the best experiences of my life.
Watchey !
I'm a teenage girl from Moosonee and i can tell you that us "native people" aren't everything that you've recommended us to be. We enjoy living here, we can be happy with our lives without a big variety of things like Wal-Mart, Tim Hortons, A Mall, A&P, Different kinds of grocery stores and different varieties of stores you have in the city. We don't need to be spoiled by things around us to make us happy. There's a lot more to life than having a beer with your fancy cups and being in an environment with a lot of entertainment. You mister need to live a little more, get to know people the right way and enjoy life. I really hope you do mature in your life time and understand my point of view even though i may only be a teenager.
poopypants bob hahaha
A former Moose Factory resident...I have read ur blog and it disturbs me of what you have to say about Moosonee. Back in my teenage years I used to baby-sit for former Air-force guys and their families.
If you are alive and well today. You have alot to be thankful for because we as Proud Natives looked after you well when your parents were out drinking, dancing and socializing.
To this day I am thankful to have lived in Moose Factory and Moosonee. I have alot of good memories and met alot of good people.
Thank you for making me realize of somethings I have overlooked in life about all creation and the importance of how lucky we are as Natives.
I am thankful to be able to ciruclate good comments about Moosonee, Moose Factory and all!
It does not hurt me much because I was taught that there is no other place like "Heaven" where we should look forward to building treasures.
P.S. I was also taught I would run into people like you and still have a heart for them for they do not know what they do and say.
God bless you!
Bob, I'd like to be one of the few bloggers to defend your original post. My family and I recently returned from our trip to what we now refer to as "Poopanee". My husband, three young children and myself set off to what we thought was going to be a memorable trip to our great North country. We were told that there we would learn of the rich culture of our Native ancestors in Moosanee (i.e.people baking bread in the streets, crafts, tours of the local churches and museums, etc.). Little did we know, that the train would leave us in a place where our very lives felt threatened. As soon as the train dropped us off we felt abandoned and as if the "locals" were all conspiring against us. "Hmmmmm, look at at those pale skinned people with red-hair (yes, I was THE only red-head any where to be seen!). After passing the barred LCBO (why do they even have one up there?!) and the abandoned churches and museums we continued on to our hotel/motel. The walls were splattered with what my daughter referred to as "spaghetti sauce" and we were given a room with two twin beds for a family of 5. We then decided to go for dinner at the restaurant in the motel - closed! We continued on to the local Pizza Hut and were warned not to cross the bridge because "yo might be stabbed o sumpin". After securing train tickets to leave 2 hours later and getting a refund on our luxury accomodations we were then greated by the local OPP at the train station. Luckily, our 3 children were blind to the fact that 5 shackled inmates were being transported on the same car as ours. So, for you 10 people who have internet access in Moosanee please understand my friend, Bob, when he gave a truly accurate of your "resort community".
Never Goin Back Again
Dear 'Never Goin Back Again'
I'm only sorry that you didn't come across my blog detailing my experiences first. It may have saved you a lot of grief.
After reading your comments I am sure no one in Moosonee would ever want you back there anyway. Any trip is what you make it. Just spent 3 nights there last weekend (and two nights in Cochrane) Weather was beautiful on Friday, not great the remaining days. My daughter is working as a Paramedic there. We stayed at the Tamarack Suites, nice place, Panabode,two bedrooms, full kitchen, living room, big TV, cable,phone,internet,private side deck,barbaque,big backyard, one block to water and downtown,$110 a night a good deal I think. Ate at both restaurants in Town. Sky Ranch had breakfast twice,really pretty good. But I suggest if you are having the homefries, deep fried is better. Only had a clubhouse and fries for lunch, pretty safe, fries are really good though. Went for dinner one night at Polar Bear lodge. We arrived rather late, around 7:30 pm on Sunday night. Four of us,my daughter, her boyfriend Nolan (who has alway lived in Moosonee) my husband and myself. We were the only ones when we first arrived, but three more tables came after us.I had the dinner special, spagetti, salad and garlic bread. It was really quite good, I must admit I was surprised. Our waiter was very entertaining and really funny. He was my the cousin of my daughter boyfriend as it turned out.
Only problem.Did try to order Pizza Hut and KFC in Moose Factory. After placing and paying for our order (2 Pizza and one KFC)10 mins later they came to our table to tell us that the staff didn't precook the pan pizza's the night before and that it would be quite a while if we wanted pizza. How long we asked? Around two hours LOL. She tryed to talk us into changing our order...just went back to Moosonee and got it there.
Had a private boat trip up to James wasn't great, but really beatiful. Visited with a few people who live there, nice barbeque dinner and bonfire.Good hiking, bugs not too bad now.Only thing I can agree with you on is the fact that no museums were open in Moosonee, or Moose Factory was rather disappointing.
I lived in Moosonee back in the mid 80's for a year as my step father was a teacher at northern lights secondary school. While i was there I made many good friends. I kept myself busy by hanging around with friends and volunteering as a dj on CHMO.this was not my first time in moosonee as I had been there before while on an army cadet training camp's canoe trip. On my very first visit I loved the place. The beauty of the land and rivers. most of all..the people of moosonee and moose factory. chi meegwetch moosonee for the fond memories and the great friendships that were made while i was there...moosonee will always have a place in my heart.... AND CHMO ROCKS !!!
'never going back again'
Wow...I don't live in Moosonee, but you are arrogant and insulting. I've lived in the FAR north (Northwest Territories) in a town of about 450. Only one place to eat out and it was closed most of the time. Other than that, not much else to do, except go out on the land. I'm not sure what you expected to see going up to Moosonee as most northern towns are pretty sparse. The upside to living/visiting places like this are the people. Having lived in larger urban areas for part of my life, I would take a smaller place like Moosonee any day. Sure beats all the crime and the cut-throat attitude of the larger centers.
I would first like to make it clear that I am White, and I lived in Moose Factory for 6 years of my childhood! I would have not changed a thing! I feel nothing but sadness for you, you should have stayed longer then you did then maybe just maybe you have turned out to be a better person!
I also went to Moosonee for highschool, I loved it there too! I made a lot of life long friends there. I miss you guys! And buddy maybe you should get a life!
I am thinking of planning a trip to Moosonee. I thought it would be a great cultural opportunity to bring my kids on the Polar Express and visit a historical town. Would anybody be interested in showing us around? I would like to make the trip as memorable, fun and educational as possible. Let me know if you are interested. You can e-mail me at
I love the way you've all shown pride in your community.
I too was an Air Force Brat that lived in Moosonee. My family waere the first on the base when it opened.
I have nothing but good memories of our time there and we didn't have any complaints about the local population. A number of the kids from town went to school with us on the base and we went camping and fishing with them. We didn't look down on them they were, for the most part friends. Those people who you put down so arrogantly have made the most of their lives with next to nothing and you feel superior enough to post your opinion! I have been planning on going back up to see if anything has changed and frankly I hope it hasn't changed that much. People like you should probably stay away from other people and should only deal with people like themselves,other assholes.
Well all i can say is that the town sucks and well there is a family up there that will take ppl for there moneys and they also try to take advantage of men to make babies to get extra money so i would tell everyone to watch what you do up there and the same family does leave that town to try to get out ppl in on there little scams and also have no problem sleeping with married men to
Let me guess from the last comment the family you are talking about is the Gunner's right
Looks like that makes two of you that got burned...HMM???
Well with that last comment made i would say that it is one of the gunner's that replied but i do know that the family is very good to get away with a lot of thing but i could say that all of the ppl should do is just stay away from them
to the one that said it looks like two of us got burn please replay and maybe we can chat more
I brought my family for a 3 night visit to Moosonee 4 years ago. Yes there is no Tim Hortons (thank God) and the shopping isn't very good, but that's not why I went there.
I took a boat trip to James Bay and fished in the Moose River and visited the Fort at Moose Factory. I guess I'm a simple person, but I really appreciated the natural unspoiled beauty of the area and loved learning of the history.
I'll admit when I first got off the train it felt very strange. I was one of few white people and surrounded by many native people. My 10 year old son said it felt like everyone was staring at us and he felt like we were about to get jumped.
I soon discovered the people there were very nice. Everyone we talked to was friendly. I wasn't disappointed with our trip to Moosonee and would love to go back there again - next time on a fishing trip. Maybe I'm strange, but I like to go places that aren't packed full of people and fish in spots where there isn't another angler in spitting distance in every direction.
They were not looking at you to jump you but to see if the females can score with you to have more kids from you to make more money on there walfare checks and any other moneys they can make for kids
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Moosonee needs a road to it.
November 16,2014. My wife and I visited Moosonee about eight years ago. We were very surprised to find the "endless trees" were indeed there, but only about four feet high. We were on an "overnight package" (through the railroad" and upon first observation, thought "what have we got ourselves into"? BUT, if the streets were paved, they would be all broken with frost heaves. We did a "tour" of Moose Factory and also found others, like ourselves wondering what to do, so made some good and interesting friends, including a retired Air Canada pilot. It was really intriguing to me that a hydro plant on the river quite a distance away supplies all the electricity. Being "Yanks", we also found interesting the degree the Canadian government devotes to taking care of the native people. The "Polar Bear Lodge" is not "fancy" at all, but it was clean (if well worn) and the food was quite good. I never found it difficult (even if a bit pricey) to get a "drink" of something!
All in all, it was certainly one of our more "memorable" adventures, and we learned a lot! I guess I was lucky we did not try to get a "baked potato"!
Ok I realize that this is several years after this blog was posted but I just found it and wanted to leave I comment.
Firstly let me start off by saying that I am a white dude from southern Ontario that loves the north. Several years ago I had an opportunity to go up to Moosonee in November to work for a few days and all I have to say is that I had an incredible time going up and in being there. What people have to remember when visiting the north is that you need to open your minds and think outside of the box before going here. This is not the south. The beauty here is not in manufactured buildings and man made attractions. It is in the culture, history and natural beauty surrounding this community. While there I learned a great deal about the trapping culture of the area and about the culture in general. How??? I opened my mind and asked questions. While not working I used my spare time to take a cab ride around Moose factory and payed the driver extra to take me on a tour of the area. I learned how the politics of the aboriginal community works during the conversation with the driver. I also purchased bannok at the local community centre and even hiked into the muskeg north of Moosonee for an hour. I am only scratching the surface here but I will say that I found the people here to be extremely friendly. You just have to take some time and get to know them. Like said earlier open your minds and ask questions. You will learn and discover a great deal.
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