Thursday, August 28, 2008

5 Days on The French

The much anticipated French River trip has come to an end and I must say it was a most enjoyable experience. Mr. B. and I took 6 students with us for 4 nights / 5 days on the French River. In all we did approximately 60 km with a total of 4 portages.

Day #1 was uneventful save for the inability of a few students to maintain a straight line with their canoe. Luckily we had a good wind at our back and made the required 9 km that day.

Day #2 started early as we had to complete 2 portages and 15 km in one day. I like this picture of the sun rising - it may be my new screensaver.

The second portage was brutal and we didn't complete it until 2 pm with still 7 km to go before camp. I'm not sure if the problem was with tired students, a rush to get to camp or the wind in our face for most of the day but the inevitable happened. A boat went over. A few items got wet as you might expect. What was unexpected was the beautiful underwear tree that came as a result of trying to dry clothing.

Day #3 was a carbon copy of the previous day - sunny and hot but this time with little wind. The portage was relatively easy and following a quick shore lunch we were able to do some small rapids. A most rewarding day.

Day #4 - What can I say but another gorgeous day with little wind and a small portage. Time enough for another shore lunch and finally at our site by 3 pm - an easy day. Entertainment was provided by the only male student on the trip who decided to show us how to use a canoe as a sled. He suffered only minor scraps and bruises.

Day #5 and the end of the trip. A spectacular last morning to close off a spectacular trip.

Having reviewed the above, I must admit that my descriptions of the journey are rather boring. However - because of the various personalities involved, the trip was thoroughly enjoyable - on so many different levels. Unfortunately many of the funny stories can't be revealed in print nor would print do them justice. I guess you had to be there.


Anonymous said...

Wish I had been ...

Congrats to all ... sounds like a fabulous adventure ... you did yourselves proud.


Jeanne said...

You would get along well with my brother. He LOVES to canoe. He used to canoe all over when we lived in Moose Factory. He still canoes. You should have brought your canoe to Moosonee ;) The first time my brother took his city wife (Montreal) to Moose Factory he had the train stop at Moose River crossing ( or some other place) so he could get his wife, tent and canoe off and canoe the rest of the way. It took them 2 days. Poor wife. I think she indulged him and had fun anyway. He was kind and didn't make her paddle upstream to go back. They took the train in Moosonee.

And yes, that train ride is one of the most boring tree-filled experiences you will ever have. I don't know why driving on a road in the forest is bearable but riding on a train through forest is so boring, but life seems to be that way.