Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Where is Bob?

I have lived my life in a consistent manner. I treat my body much the same as I treat my car, when something breaks - then and only then do I worry about fixing it. Preventative medicine is not part of my thought process. I figure, if it ain't broke - why bother spending time and money on it. This is why I should never have gone to the doctor back in August.

Yesterday was my follow-up visit. It seems that the high blood pressure pills I've been taking were not strong enough so now I have double the dosage - at twice the cost. Also, surprise, surprise, the doc discovered I had high cholesterol levels - more pills at an unbelievable price. Apparently I also have to lose weight, give up the occasional cigar, include an aspirin in my daily diet - as well as exercise three times a week, and let's see - oh yeah - eat more veggies and fruit and cut down on the alcohol.

Hello - is Bob in there anymore?

I've thought long and hard about the ramifications of what the doctor said and I finally have come to the realization that I have to make changes in my lifestyle - only because I can't afford to pay for the pills to keep me alive over the next few years.

Maybe I should have gotten that oil change back in '86!

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