Monday, September 17, 2007

Despite My Best Intentions

I did remember my promise to update my blog more often but was just too damn tired and busy to get to it last week. Last night, for one hour, was the first time I have had a free minute to play Warcraft in the past month. Hopefully with Haliburton around the corner I will have more time this week.

On Friday a much diminished cartel met for wings and beer. The only attendees were Mrs. C and myself. Afterwards we went to see '3:10 to Yuma'. I must say that this was the best movie I have seen in a long time. A movie with action but more importantly a movie with an incredibly strong message. Most excellent.

Let's see - spent Saturday with a student doing math - oh yeah - also spent part of Sunday doing same with another student. Despite this I am still ahead on the NFL pool that I am involved with and managed to get all my school work done including preparing for this week's weekly reports. As I stated - I even had an hour left over for warcraft.

Now it is time to get back to work - must finish the Haliburton script tonight so that Baboo has time to practice.

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