Friday, September 05, 2008


Well it has been quite a week!

It is always exciting starting a new school year. New faces, new courses to teach, new parents, new teachers and a wealth of meetings. Added to that this week was the blog attack on HBB because of his comments on Moosonee. A most challenging week!

Things on the blog front seem to be settling down as my hit counter is finally dipping below 400 per day. Hopefully I'll soon be back to the level of blog obscurity that I usually enjoy.

On the school front, this year is shaping up to be a fun year. The kids are great and the parents seem very supportive. With that combination how can I not have a great year. Right now though, HBB has to go to bed. The school meeting until 11 pm last night did me in and I just want to curl up in bed and dream of WoW.


Jeanne said...

Ummm, you know, I received the link to that particular post on Moosonee, from a friend, who received it from a friend, who had it forwarded from a friend and so on and so forth. I just saw another link to the same post on someone else's bebo...

Everyone from Moosonee and Moose Factory is likely sending this on to everyone else remotely connected to Moosonee or Moose Factory. It's a small town... you sneeze at one end of the place and someone calls you up from the other end of town to say "bless you." And they've discovered the internet... now people phone you up to say "bless you" before you've even sneezed.

Thing is, they are brought directly to the post, and don't see the rest, unless they make a point of clicking on the title of your blog, which brings them to the updated version. You may have to post a comment yourself, linking to your apology... :) On the other hand, by now, it's pretty likely that anyone who is remotely connected in anyway to Moosonee has already read the post and left a comment, if they felt like doing so. Anonymously, most likely, since everyone seems to have forgotten they all had names. It'll blow over. It always does.

Jeanne said...

Ok, never mind, you've already posted a comment, once again I wrote before I read... I'm going to have to learn to stop doing that.

I mentioned your blog to my husband and he laughed at the "wandering aimlessly bit". "So I'm not the only person to have noticed that?" he said. He's white (heck I'm white too) and has never been up there for more than 2 weeks at a time. (Difference is, my husband did get to meet a lot of interesting people, thanks to the fact his wife knows people... so his experience was somewhat better...)

So I guess that's something that seems a little strange. It's a cultural thing. You don't walk aimlessly, you walk to meet the people you know. And you always meet up with someone you know. In fact you meet up with a lot of people you know. Walking around town is always interesting. You never know who you might come across, and what juicy information they might have. "You know, the sneeze we all heard, it was so and so and he was visiting so and so..."

Yeah, I'm a housewife and I have nothing better to do than comment on other people's blogs and watch in amusement as drama unfolds. Hey, that makes me probably as bad as people who walk aimlessly. You will never live that down.