Saturday, September 20, 2008

Week #3 - Alive and Well

Week #3 at the school is in the books and HBB is alive and well. Very little excitement this week as most students and teachers are beginning to fall into the routine.

Of note was the school trip to Stratford to see Hamlet. That is one long play!

I love to shop in Stratford on these occasions. Usually I purchase a few books from the discount bins along the sidewalk and visit a number of the stores which sell unique items. This year was no different as I picked up two books by Elmore Leonard and a most amazing invention, an attachment to your water tap which changes colour based upon the water temperature - blue for cold and red for hot.

I must admit I rushed home to try out this invention. LED eat your heart out!! Actually I would have picked one up for you LED, but they only had the one - and it's all mine!


Anonymous said...

I want them !!!!
I need them !!!!
I gotta have them !!!!

Jeanne said...

I remember going to Stratford when I was in Grade eleven, with my English teacher and my French teacher, and other students. Enjoyed "My Fair Lady".