Saturday, September 13, 2008

Week #2 - Near Death

I don't often get sick but when I do it is a near death experience. All this week I've been fighting a cold using a tried and true remedy. After coming home I immediately make myself a hot rum toddy (heavy on the rum, light on the toddy) and then head for the couch where I cover myself with blanket after blanket. After 3 or 4 'remedies', I am ready for bed and a great nights sleep. When I awake in the morning the cold has temporarily been suppressed and I am fine for most of the day.

My strategy was working fine until Friday. Because of various school functions, I was at the school from 8 am until almost midnight last night. No chance to rest the aching bones. No chance for a remedy. The cold took hold of me and is currently kicking the crap out of me. I haven't given up on the remedy though, the only problem is that I have to drag my sorry butt out to the store this afternoon in order to refresh my supplies.

I guess one could attribute my current plight to karma - all of the negative vibes pouring down from Moosonee.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I had to laugh at the kharma thing.

Take it easy.