Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Double

The much anticipated but rarely experienced 'Double' occurred today. Yep, for the second day in a row, a snow day was called. I can't honestly remember when a 'Double' last occurred - I'm thinking it has been at least 6 years since the last one.

Random Thought #1: I'm glad they renamed the problem from Global Warming to Global Climate Change. If they hadn't every Canadian on the way to work would be spitting out the phrase, "Global Warming My Ass".

Random Thought #2: For the past several weeks I've been making fun of people who think that the winter season means that they must have snow tires on their car. I've been saying that snow tires are not needed in Southern Ontario and that my summer tires will do me just fine. Today I'm thinking that is only true if you are a teacher and can rely upon snow days when there is a snowfall.

Random Thought #3: Catch up on my marking OR Warcraft?

A picture of my parking lot, and that may be my car, from my window. I haven't been outside for 2 days and it doesn't look good for today. Since my cupboards are bare I'm thinking pizza delivery for lunch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last "double" snow day that I can remember was in fact 6 (or 7?!) years ago now in my first year at the school, and was in fact a "triple". The first snowday, a Wednesday, was a classic Mrs. Lord false alarm, the second was terrible freezing rain, and the third was actually snow. There's nothing like a 5 day weekend!

Do you know how much I wish I was getting double snow days right now instead of studying for exams?