Monday, October 29, 2007

Too Funny

Click on the picture to watch this mini-video. Guys!


It is Monday - and the start of school week #9. By the time Friday arrives we will be 25% of the way through the school year. It goes fast from here on in!

Tonight I spent a few seconds (would you believe minutes?) (would you believe hours?) (old Get Smart routine) working on my #2 WoW character. My goal is to get to level 57 this coming weekend. As you can see, she is working hard in the jungle.

After that I am back to my #1 character who is part way through level 58. The goal would be to get her to level 60 by the end of November. I find that in life, as in the fantasy world, it is important to set goals. As you can see, #1 character likes to fly with maximum freedom.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday Update

Bob's life this weekend was pretty boring but I did manage to accomplish a number of outstanding tasks.

Got an oil change for my car - long overdue!

Bought new shirts and a new tie - love the leather!

Finally - managed to get my weaker Warcraft character to lvl 56. My goal is to get both to lvl 60 by Christmas.

Friday, October 26, 2007

And then there was Halloween

The next major school event in tired Bob's life was the school Halloween party. Once again there was the much anticipated donut eating contest which the boys at the school look forward to with much anticipation.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mole Day

As always, October 23rd is the day King's science students take the time to honour International Mole Day. This year the science students were quite ferocious in their attacks on the student body.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Home Sweet Home

After three nights of house-sitting, I get to sleep in my own bed tonight. On the upside this means no dogs to wake me up at 5 am, but on the downside I'm back to my 30 television channels as opposed to 500 via satellite.

Last night the full membership of the cartel plus an honourary guest met for wings and beer. The guest was the daughter of Mr. B and the curse of the B's followed her to the movies with us. Whenever Mr. B. joins the cartel we wind up at a really bad movie. Last night was no exception as we watched Michael Clayton, perhaps the most boring movie I have ever watched.

Anyway - as I said - I am home now and after catching up on the missed episode of survivor (because of parent / teacher interviews), and running a few errands, I am off to either work on the DVD or play WoW. Ahhhh - I love my little world.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Busy Week Coming

A quick update post today as I am busy busy this week.

Tonight I must finish the report cards and then tomorrow I have to run the weekly reports - kind of weird to double report this week but hey - I don't make the rules.

Wednesday I am off to house-sit one of my students as her parents are off for the rest of the week - thus I'll not be home until Friday or Saturday. That means I must get the dishes done tonight or else I will have an apartment of mold by the time I return.

Oh yes - and parent / teacher interviews on Thursday to add to my frustration - I'll have to remember to tape Survivor.

I am off now to add a few more minutes to the Haliburton DVD (up to 10 minutes now) and then do dishes - yikes - maybe laundry as well! I need a maid!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Can Life Get Any Worse

Ok - so things are not all bad. Having finished the Haliburton Audio CD a few weeks ago in time for Haliburton - I now am invested in the creation of the Haliburton DVD. It's an even slower process than the CD since I have to sort through some 700 pictures and somehow create a 30 minute movie. I am well on the way having finished a whopping 4 min and 33 seconds after 5 days effort. I'm too anal retentive for my own good when it comes to this sort of thing. I include a sneak preview to whet your appetite.

How is my life getting worse you ask - tomorrow - Stratford - Merchant of Venice - nuf said.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Where is Bob?

I have lived my life in a consistent manner. I treat my body much the same as I treat my car, when something breaks - then and only then do I worry about fixing it. Preventative medicine is not part of my thought process. I figure, if it ain't broke - why bother spending time and money on it. This is why I should never have gone to the doctor back in August.

Yesterday was my follow-up visit. It seems that the high blood pressure pills I've been taking were not strong enough so now I have double the dosage - at twice the cost. Also, surprise, surprise, the doc discovered I had high cholesterol levels - more pills at an unbelievable price. Apparently I also have to lose weight, give up the occasional cigar, include an aspirin in my daily diet - as well as exercise three times a week, and let's see - oh yeah - eat more veggies and fruit and cut down on the alcohol.

Hello - is Bob in there anymore?

I've thought long and hard about the ramifications of what the doctor said and I finally have come to the realization that I have to make changes in my lifestyle - only because I can't afford to pay for the pills to keep me alive over the next few years.

Maybe I should have gotten that oil change back in '86!