Thursday, June 12, 2008


A little history lesson before telling this story. Every year the students undertake an initiative called Super Learning Super Fun (SLSF) which I oversee. We invite students from nearby schools to come to our own school for a day long leadership conference in which we play games and listen to guest speakers.

Although it may sound simple enough, the project is a big deal for our school and the team of students responsible for organizing the day are under a lot of stress to ensure that it is highly successful. With me as the overseer I make sure the students are constantly exposed to stress - I like to see how these kids will perform at a high level. In fact this year one of the boys on the team was fired from the management team when he failed to deliver as promised. Anyway - the point being is that the project is run at a high level and the student management team are expected to perform at their very best and the stress level is so high that they often hate the process but they are extremely proud of their efforts when it is all over and done with.

That said - on Wednesday my SLSF management team surprised me by showing up at my door for an impromptu 'thank-you' dinner. Each of the girls contributed in some way to the dinner and it was wonderful. We had salad, eggplant and oriental chicken for dinner with key lime pie for desert. They had even brought all the silverware and drinks, including wine for the old man. Later we watched a movie and had popcorn. It was wonderful!

There are days when I ask myself why did I become a teacher and then there are days like Wednesday when your heart is filled with such love for these kids that you just know the world is a wonderful place filled with amazing kids. On those days I thank the gods of opportunity that I am a teacher.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's cause you are the best teacher ever and thus you deserve the best!