Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A good weekend

Well it has been a long while since I blogged, not since my great road trip to Kingston in fact.

This past weekend I finally did make it to Kingston, Ontario. I arrived on Friday and began drinking margaritas at 8 pm and basically didn't stop drinking until Sunday. A most relaxing weekend. To be fair, the drinking was mixed in with Warcraft and Wii.

On Saturday I did take a break from drinking to have lunch with some former students. I also found out that my girl, H, won first prize in a film festival. It's a long story but the short version is that her film professor had his entire class do a film on a 'Can of Snails'. After completing the assignment, H, then entered her film in the Kingston film festival in which she won first place.

If you take the time to watch the posting on U-Tube you will figure out who H is. I must say that I am taking some credit for H's fame since there is no way she could have written those great lyrics if she had not been exposed to the many projects in my classes which involved, in one way or another, the lyrics of Stompin Tom. For my American friends who do not know who Stompin Tom is - well it is your loss.

For some reason, H, disabled the embedding option so I can not post her video here but follow the link to view.

Micro Snail


Anonymous said...

You WOULD post the link to it here. One would almost think you made it yourself, given your blatant advertisement of it.

Houseboat Bob said...

Or perhaps I am just extremely proud of your (yes i said your) accomplishment!