Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

The New Year should be off to a great start as I was finally able to load Warcraft onto the computer here at the dog mansion. Oh - I guess I haven't mentioned that I am house/dog sitting for one of the families at the school while they are in Florida. Yes, while they are in the sunny south I am here in the midst of another snowstorm.

The increase in responsibility of caring for something other than a plastic houseplant is killing me. The stupid dogs actually expect me to get up at 8 in the morning to let them out - what's up with that. In truth they don't expect me to get up - they get me up by dropping large bones on the wooden floors. Every morning I am now woken by the sound of what seems to be gunfire at 8 am. Never one for maturity, I get my revenge late at night (the dogs seem to want to go to bed at 9pm) by making them go out for a pee every hour on the hour past 10pm.

In truth, taking care of the dogs (I recognize it isn't really a huge responsibility as far as responsibilities go)has reaffirmed my chosen life style. I am now more appreciative of the freedom I have (or rather, will have again in a few days). The ability to leave ones house or apartment with the freedom to do anything you want without the constraints of 'returning home on time' is something I had taken for granted over the past few years. Well - no more. It has been fun but I will be glad when it is over.

The dogs, who are rather cute in their own way, are pictured below. I have renamed them for the week. They are Wisconsin, Princess, and Bluto.


Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness Houseboat !!!! ...

:) :) :) :)

chelsea said...

Bluto is SO CUTE. I WANT.

chelsea said...

Bluto is SO CUTE. I WANT.