Saturday, November 18, 2006

Global Warming - Humbug!

Arrggg! Well I’m back after several weeks of non-blogging. I’m back because I am once again frustrated with the world and feel I must try to make the human race see the error of its ways.

Specifically I am concerned about all this Global Warming talk. On one side of the issue we have the tree-hugging, socks and sandals types who are crying out that the world is about to end in a catastrophic manner because the increase in Global Warming is going to cause the polar ice caps to melt, ocean currents to disappear and baby seals to grow teeth and, and, and ....

On the other side we have the ‘head up the ass’, blue suit and tie crowd denying that the presence of human activities on this earth is having any significant effect on our climate whatsoever. As I said earlier - Arrrggggg!!!!

First let’s lay out some ground rules. The climate of the earth is and will continue to change with or without us being here. We know that at one time where we live was once covered by miles of ice and we also know that at another point in history this same area was a lush tropical forest. We also know that the amount of carbon dioxide and other chemicals that we release into the air each day is having an impact on our personal environment. What we don’t know is, by how much and what will be the consequences.

I say - who gives a flying rats ass - we are looking at the problem in the wrong way. I shall get back to this.

The sock & sandal crowd is concerned that we humans are negatively affecting our environment. So what - it is stupid to believe that we can maintain a stable environment in any geographic location. Mother Nature will alter our environment with or without our consent. It is naive and arrogant to assume that we have the right to decide otherwise. I’m sure that some people in drought stricken areas of Africa or elsewhere would appreciate a slight shift in the environment in their favour.

The ‘head up their ass’ crowd is just as bad. They deny that there is any change at all. They don’t have to work towards trying to maintain a stable environment - they believe it is already stable. This view is also naive and arrogant.

I said I would get back to how we are looking at the problem in the wrong way.

Believe it or not, both sides are actually on the same page - that is, that it is desirable and possible to maintain a stable global environment. Now this is where I call BULLSHIT! Anyone with a half a brain will tell you that the entire universe, let alone our planet, is governed by chaos. The entire universe is governed by the need to increase entropy or in other terms, increase chaos.

Note: What can I say - when I googled entropy this picture came up!

You see this effect everyday. Throw a deck of cards into the air - they don’t fall down in complete order stacked one on top of another. It takes energy to order the cards. It takes energy to order or maintain the order of anything in this universe. The universe itself is expanding to increase entropy. I could go on and on here but you can do your own research. Just Google Chaos Theory & Entropy and learn to read. The point is we are spending massive amounts of energy in even thinking about, let alone trying to, maintain an environmental status quo. We are fighting a losing battle people!

It is time to accept that Mother Nature will cause our environment to change with or without us and there is very little we can do to prevent this from happening. We may speed up the process a bit through Global Warming or if you believe some scientists we may even have slowed down the onset of another ice age through Global Warming. As I said before who cares what side is right. Significant changes to our environment will happen sooner or later and because we have our collective heads in the sand, we are going to be unprepared.

I say that it is time that we accepted the inevitable and start to prepare ourselves for the future. Why are we still building cities near the ocean when we know that ocean levels will rise and/or fall over time? Why do persist in protecting our traditional crop land from Mother Nature when we should accept that the growing seasons to the north are getting longer and perhaps look at ways to move our crop producing areas northward to match the fickle whims of Mother Nature? Why are we not looking at constructing bubbles to protect our cities from Mother Nature as well as our own pollutants? We are good at designing bubbles we call homes to protect our family from environmental extremes - why not our cities?

It is time to remove our heads from our asses, throw away our socks and sandals and get to thinking about how to protect ourselves, our species, from the inevitable changes that Mother Nature is sure to throw at us. After all - there is a reason why Mother Nature is referred to in the feminine sense. She is as unpredictable as, and as vengeful as, an ex-wife. It’s time to take her to court and settle this once and for all.

Hmmmm - seems I have allowed myself to digress from the main issue - which was .....????


Anonymous said...

Finally, a blog again!

chelsea said...

The main issue was that I just sent you an essay to edit (It's already been handed in BUT I have the chance to submit it again and since it was kind of a rush job I'm wondering if there are some improvements to be made before I Hand it in to be marked for REAL??? and also the newest project I have, to do ASAP. Like, it is going to be handed in late because I forgot about it. So that's in there too. The sooner you can let me know what you think, the better!!!

Sunny Delight said...

You are soooo sexy when you're up on your soap box ;)

I am going to quote something I recently read from the sock-and-sandal-get-off-the-grid crowd.

To parapharase the author--Due to global climate changes, the depletion of our natural resources,the dual war fronts of Israel, and the many forces in Afganistan and Iraq, plus the 2.8 billion the US government borrows every day to finance its daily operations---he has come to the following conclusions, "America will be well into third world status by 2016, we will no longer be able to fund public education, transportation, medical facilities, or large scale commerce. Cars will no longer be a viable means of transportation since most of the replacement parts are imported and few but the rich wil be able to afford the gasoline to operate them. We will be a nation of shoe leather, bicycles and horses." He wrote all of this to convince his readers to buy a horse for everyday use to replace their petroleum driven machinery"

To each his own...rant on darlin'